originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Hey Eclipse, how are ya holding up?" Ax asks as he sits down next to him. "Haven't seen you since I patched you up at my camp back in Russia. You remember? You passed out after that so you might not."
The bartender walks by. "What would you like, sir?"
"One Firebrand, please. Do you have extract of ghost pepper by any chance?"
"Absolutely sir, but you'd probably kill yourself doing that."
"Oh, right. Dexter, res me if I burn to death."
The bartender leaves, then returns with a drink. It's been lit on fire and has a chili pepper on the rim.
"Bottoms up, Eclipse," Ax said as he drank the fiery concoction. He didn't flinch one bit as he set it down.
"Got anything hotter?"
Eclipse takes the red death off his back and sets it on the ta le "This gun has made me an enemy of the vanguard becasue I wouldn't destroy it. I took it becasue I didn't want anyone else to suffer from it. I didn't want anymore guardians to Suffer at the end of it, And they hated me for it. I was nearly hung from the damn tower" He slams his fist on the table in anger
"That's it!" She claps her hands. "That's where I remember you from, I helped you escape from the tower, remember?"
Eclipse sits back and Looks over her "That's right, you're the one who got me out of being hung"
"I knew you were familiar, I just couldn't place my finger on it. Small world huh?"
"I remember that,"Ax chimed in. "I was honestly furious. I would've gone in, had it not been for a couple of red dots on my chest." He then turned to Alice. "How's it going? Haven't seen you since the we found him coming through a taken portal."
Eclipse chuckles a bit again "No worries she came to my resume and got me the hell out. And with you helping me not get taken I honestly which I could repay you both."