originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"New women?" Ax asked, before the bartender came over. "Hey, 'keep, anything hotter?"
"Umm, no sir, that was the hottest we have."
"Fine, just- humph. Oh well. Thanks anyway."
Ax put down 500 glimmer and turned back to Eclipse.
"So, new women? That's always interesting."
Eclipse sits back and Looks over her "That's right, you're the one who got me out of being hung"
"I knew you were familiar, I just couldn't place my finger on it. Small world huh?"
"I remember that,"Ax chimed in. "I was honestly furious. I would've gone in, had it not been for a couple of red dots on my chest." He then turned to Alice. "How's it going? Haven't seen you since the we found him coming through a taken portal."
Eclipse chuckles a bit again "No worries she came to my resume and got me the hell out. And with you helping me not get taken I honestly which I could repay you both."