Need suggestions
I have
Explosive shotgun
Poison pistol 10ml
Explosive minigun
Explosive sniper
Double damage sniper, knife, sniper
Chameleon armor peace
Free fall leg peace
Never ending fat man,double barrel shotgun, lazer (not the prototype), pistol
And a few others
Any good ones u guys recommend me?
There's a legendary guass rifle that does 2k
☆ where do u guys like to farm? ☆ what strategy works for you to farm? - i have to load the auto save to get a random item (quick save doesn't work or i might be doing it wrong) - then load the newest auto save in order to change the legendary effects on the gun Whats the right way? Suggestions?
Explosive minigun?! Man I need to keep playing
Wounding Combat Shotgun (Bleedout) Game is literally a cakewalk now
Recon .50 cal sniper that does 50% more damage if rather is full health.
Minigun with bleeding damage. I have one it's just plain unfair.
A Wounding 10mm pistol. May sound like trash, but oh boy, it wrecks and it bleeds any boss at anytime.
Two shot Gauss Rifle
Get old faithful. The initial damage after modding the weapon is incredible when doing a vats critical .
I'm still looking for the damn mutant with the explosive shotgun
Any two shot gun
Edited by Banana: 12/15/2015 1:28:12 AM#Gaming is a lovely place to do that
I got a legendary rolling pin. A -blam!-ing rolling pin.
Big boy
Two shot gauss rifle