The exotic perk is technically not really an exotic perk. They just changed the archetype. If they left the impact the same or even just a little lower than the original, it would be exotic. As of right now, the gun is still pretty good, but not at an exotic level. Just buff the impact when front lines activates. That's all the gun needs.
Considering it can be easily replaced by a high rate of fire auto rifle with crowd control and life support, yes, it needs a slight buff.
This shit needs a buff! There's literally no reason to use it. Hard light or even Zhalo can outgun this garbage.
It gets so unstable with all that rate of fire it makes one not want to get up close cause keep shots on the head is impossible. That's incorrect it's nearly impossible.
When I was more actively playing the game, I enjoyed using the high fire rate auto rifles like Atheon's. When front lines is active, you don't have any ammo and are also reducing the damage capacity of each magazine as well as effectively negating the crowd control perk. There is no benefit to having front lines active over a normal high fire rate auto rifle, nor is there a benefit over a mid fire rate auto outside of front lines range.
Honestly, the impact could do with a slight buff, but this thing is a beast now. In fact I think it can compete with Last Word in terms of close combat TTK.