So you were the one! *Pokes again*
Beep beep boop! D: *floats around in circles*
*Rapid poking*
Edited by A Normal Shank: 12/15/2015 2:35:01 AM*writes "STOP POKING ME" in Eliksni on the ground below* Beep bop! D:<
I can't read this... *Pokes the shank very hard*
*pokes Aces back and then starts to float away*
How dare you poke me!!! *Pulls out a bottle and smashes it* Here little Shank!!!
*grabs a stick and writes the best English it can "stp pkin meh"* BEEP BOP BOOP! >:(
Oh ok, that's all you had to say. *Stops poking*
*writes in best English again "lkin fur fellen vandel. Cnt fnd. Do u no wer vandel is?" drops stick*
Beep boop bop. *Is bored so follows Aces to annoy him*
Well hello, do you want to go on a cliff dive?
Beep, bop boop. [spoiler]Sure, why not[/spoiler]
*Grabs the shank and races to the top of a mountain* You ready to see how I assassinate targets? *Straps shank to my back and takes out my sniper*
Wait, your making a mistake! Please don't shoot.
Your not the target! That is! *Points to a House of Wolves skiff*
Oh, well then why am I strapped to your back???
So you don't die. *Jumps from the mountain, while also quickly shooting a single sniper shot at the skiff*
*pulls out camera and starts recording a clip*
*Suddenly we teleport to a beach below the mountain* Well looks like my job is done. * The fallen skiff crashes into the side of the mountain, exploding*
*records the crashing fallen skiff* Cool, what now? *continues to follow Aces annoyingly
Hmm, really nothing. I guess I will go rest in my jumpship.
Can I come, I is lonely shank, Aer is not here right now *lowers camera and slides off of Aces' back*
Sure, you may come. I have plenty of room in my jumpship. *A gigantic jumpship suddenly floats down next to us*