Let me start by saying that I have absolutely nothing against the game mode itself other than its lack of matchmaking, but unfortunately the players who participate in Trials continually destroy the game for everyone else. I know it's a radical suggestion to remove an entire game type because of player behavior, but I'm not sure anyone is going to want to keep playing the shell of a game that Trials players leave the rest of us.
The problem is and always will be nerfs.
Since Trials inception, it has easily been the single biggest contributor to nerf posts on these forums.
- Thorn was essentially erased from this game because of Trials.
- Hand Cannons were AR'd because of Trials.
- Pulse Rifles just got boned [i]because of Trials[/i].
- Sunbreakers were probably doomed anyway, but the loudest cries for nerfs... Trials.
And as bad as all those were, now I'm seeing posts crying that Trials matches aren't fair because of MIDA and Truth.
Seriously go find a Chinese hell to burn in if you're going to cry about MIDA and Truth. The point of this game was supposed to be becoming more powerful and finding more powerful and awesome weapons. MIDA has [i]always[/i] been a great counter to any "God weapon" in this game, not because it's OP, but because it's so well balanced and versatile from mid to long range.
But rather than find counters like MIDA, rather than grind for your own "God weapons" if you feel you can't compete, rather than get fracking good, we've systematically destroyed every weapon and class that was ever fun in this game.
Go shoot a goddamn Fusion Rifle. They're complete garbage. Collateral damage from the constant dicking over of weapons, all to "balance" one stupid PvP mode that almost no one plays.
Someone post those pathetic numbers they put up a month or so ago about how few players actually compete in ToO and the infinitesimal number that have actually gone to the Lighthouse.
So we're going to have all our weapons ruined in not only PvP, but PvE as well so probably less than 5% of the player base don't cry? I just don't get your thought process here Bungie.
I can tell you this though, there's not one reasonable or remotely valid reason to nerf Truth, MIDA or Scouts and if that unbelievably stupid thought crosses Jon Wisnewski's mind then it's time to pull the plug on Trials.
And to anyone who enjoys Trials, I'm sorry but there would be no one to blame but yourselves. Better you lose your game mode than be allowed to keep dragging the rest of this game down with your incessant crying for nerfs.
EDIT: Just to clarify because I'm being accused of having put up nerf posts [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/%23realbalanceisnotbalanced]#realbalanceisnotbalanced[/url]
I agree
At first i thought your post was a load of crap, but you are not completely wrong. Honestly if you are skilled enough other peoples guns dont matter. By the 8th win in trials i notice it all comes down to who outplays who.
I'm baffled. How does this Lost Sols guy even have a following? Don't mistake coherence for intelligence or eloquence for maturity. PvP is the endgame and final frontier for Destiny. Open your eyes. I am giving PvP an honest effort and going back in to PvE it's a joke. Oryx challenge mode especially. Quick enemy sight alignment and map awareness means I almost never die. These are things you learn in PvP but are never forced to learn in PvE.
I stopped agreeing with Lost Sols awhile ago.
Edited by The Juan Jon: 12/15/2015 9:03:40 PMYou would rather everyone go without Trials?? Let's be honest that is beyond ridiculous, people would call for nerfs if it wasn't there that's a fact, look at any competitive twitch shooter these days and see people calling for tweaks to the gameplay. I believe that Trials of Osiris is the place to play against the best pvp players on Destiny, (granted I am not in that top bracket of players I would say I'm average) even I know that in order to succeed they adapt to how the game plays, right now snipers rule the roost so snipers are used, a few weeks ago my fireteam was battered by shotguns. Don't call out a section of the player base because of Bungies poor nerf decision. Bungie implemented the changes. Bungie are the ones you should blame. Certainly don't ask Bungie to remove content from the game! Edit : forgot to mention I respect your right to an opinion but I totally disagree with it.
How bout you spend your words on more important matters like bungie being able to make a good weapon meta across the board instead of using trials as a scapegoat to their failure
Ok normally you make some sound arguments and usually I agree with the things that you say. But lets just think about this for a second. Before trials, there was Iron Banner. That's what essentially killed AR's. The fact is that there is always going to be a number of people complaining on these forums for nerfs, and they'll say it trials till that's gone and then it'l be IB, and then they'll complain about regular crucible. There will be no end. In all honesty, Bungie shouldn't cater to any complaints on the forums. They should be able to see what's happening in the game themselves. Especially when it comes to the balance. Here's what needs to happen. They need to reset everything. All weapons. All Subclasses. Look at what worked and didn't work. Here's the list. Weapon ranges needed to defined. As defined as it is now. This would've reigned in Auto's, Hand cannons, and Shotguns. Pulses were weak in vanilla destiny. They needed to be brought up little by little. What was wrong with blink? Shotguns. The perks that made shotguns too good? Remove them from the rolls. Sniper rifles? Define range and remove last round and luck in the chamber proc except on precision shots. Heavy weapons? Does anything really need to be changed? No. Sunbreaker? This was obvious. They fixed it. Grenades on the subclasses didn't need to be touched damage wise. There are too many exotics for me to go over but I'll do the infamous ones. Thorn. Everyone hated it in it's original state. Don't know why. It had faults but that's how it was balanced. It didn't need the buff it received. They should've reduced and the dot and made it stack the way it does now. The Last Word. Once the range was defined it wouldn't have been a problem. Aside from the ads bug. But that was fixed. Suros Regime. Once range was defined and damage fall off became prominent it would've been fine. If there's another infamous one you'd like me to cover I'll edit this post. Now to the Mida and truth. Mida is straight up the most balanced exotic weapon in the game. Hasn't changed (to my knowledge) since day one. But now that they've nerfed every other weapon type besides scouts of course they're going to attack it. This would not happen though if the other weapons were as competitive. Truth. People wanna complain about being killed by a rocket launcher? Yeah it's got great tracking and it also has G&H but they nerfed both of those. The tracking used to be more aggressive and G&H had a bigger radius. What would they do? Nerf them again until it doesn't feel like they're getting a kill from the perks. Because they won't. They'll have to aim right at the person and if the rocket isn't close (and I mean in their face close) it won't kill them. Until then people will complain. The weapons need balance. It has nothing to do with the game modes. Someone at Bungie needs to step up and say "Hey, our sandbox is a mess now. We need to look at this from the beginning. Lets separate exotics from the normal weapon tunings and tune those as needed. Let's see why some weapons are better than others and implement changes that don't effect the damage stats unless they absolutely need to be. Lets remove perks that make weapons too good. Lets shoot for an average time to kill in PvP across all weapon types." But now you've got people thinking it's because of trials that we're in this sorry state. You're asking them to change something without actually looking at the root of the problem. That's exactly what the "community" did when they thought a weapon was too good. Look where that got us. Please go back to being be the voice of logic and reason that I remember you to be.
Trials isn't the problem, it's the retards who do the sandbox testing and take the whiners crying as gospel.
Edited by Tekn0z: 12/15/2015 11:29:55 PMSorry. I lost all respect for you. The only thing remotely interesting in this game is trials for many people. Instead of blaming bungie for making terrible balancing of guns and not separating pve and PvP you blame the players who have had to deal with unbalanced crap for over a year. To me crucible is way more fun. I don't enjoy running the raid for the 56th time to get a helmet with intellect and discipline or a roll on a pulse or whatever.
I don't know about removing Trials. I don't think the Trials kids will quit. They'll just find somewhere else to hang out. And they'll be PISSED. I think a better idea is to just tell Bungie to say "no" to nerfs. Also, I need to add that in every other game I play, I'm primarily a PvP player. In this one, however, I'm primarily PvE.... so, I wouldn't normally say this.... but the quality of life for PvE players needs to stop being tied to the balancing of PvP. I don't give a crap about all the ultranerds who keep saying that the raids are too easy, or that nightfall needs to be harder. Make the damn game enjoyable for the majority group of players... the casuals.
its not trials, its just PVP balance in general: its becoming more and more apparent that a universal weapon system cannot maintain balance between PVP and PVE. Trials just highlights some of the issues, it doesnt spawn them.
This post is for people who can't handle trials
No. I really like trials. Even if I lose. They just need to nerf 1000 yard stare
Edited by georgiii: 12/16/2015 1:09:42 AMFirstly let me say hello. I am a day one player and a consistent forum reader and contributor (although nothing of mine ever receives very much attention) and there's just one problem with your post Lost. I mean no disrespect but the nerf babies were here long before trials was a game mode. Therefore it seems unfair to pin all (or even most) nerf related posts on trials players. It may be the case that they make up the majority of nerf posts in recent times but even if trials was removed it would not solve the problem. In your post you make a point regarding players who instead of going out and finding their own god gun/weapon just cry nerf instead. The reason for this is because the attitude that would see a person strive to become a better player, strive to develop a system or strategy to counter certain playstyles is a mature attitude. It's the attitude of a reasonable person. Unfortunately people tend not to be mature or reasonable. People tend to want the easiest solution and this is why so many nerf babies abound. Removing trials as a game mode will have little effect on the nerf babies they were here before trials was a mode and they'll remain long after and nothing will ever satisfy them. Thankfully there's always something else to whine about. If you read this thank you and take care.
Edited by Synge_X: 12/16/2015 2:13:54 AMhttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WK6yqGt2LqgWScyc9hm7qiCkqWaXJXROMkMBeHZH5vQ/htmlview?pli=1 Take a look at the stats that were compiled from Destiny tracker from year one. The stats are over 5000 matches of Trials of Osiris. Thorn was used not just by 50% of the entire player base, but by people who WON in trials. The actual number of people using the Thorn was roughly 75%. This was an independent study, as well as Bungie's own internal numbers backed them up... I'm sorry but despite the fact that we cannot have a reasonable discussion about game balance on these forums, imbalances can exist. There are most certainly people who will complain because they get killed or whatever but that argument does not hold up against the numbers above. I don't see a lot of posts about Mida or the truth. I personally believe that both of those weapons are nicely balanced nor did I see either in mass numbers in Trials the last 20 hours of dedicated trials time in year 2. A lot of people post legitimate feedback and are met with childish ridicule for giving feedback that is relevant to them... Some, if not most ask for certain overused weapons to be brought into balance. Sols, you are asking for the elimination of an entire game type, a mode that many enjoy.
People cried Nerf before Trials of Osiris even came out. So, no. I enjoy going Flawless with my Group just as much as when people Raid with their groups in PvE
Edited by Punkalo: 12/16/2015 1:53:13 AMactually... Pulse rifles are still great, thorn ruined normal pvp too (even that's still good in pvp), and sun breakers were simply broken. When people say things as ignorant as that, it kinda pissed me off. Try to USE these weapons instead of making a post based off bullshit. Your complaining about people wanting a nerf on weapons, I understand. Yes, fusion rifle nerf was a dumb -blam!-ing nerf, but also, yes, mida is over powered. Mida has an astonishing 70+ aim assist, and it also shoots unbelievably fast. It can out beat an auto rifle, in close range, and destroy a sniper at long range, at the very least, its flinch when shot should be increased. You can't tell me these things didn't deserve what they got when they got nerfed. (Besides fusions)
Auto Rifles were ruined for a full year due to the first incarnation of Iron Banner being saturated by a single weapon. Not an entire class but a single weapon. That was a great while before Trials. The problem isn't game modes when your developer is swinging the nerfbat like they're Teddy Roosevelt. However responding in kind doesn't put you on even ground. I don't participate in Trials, but by petitioning to remove it and blatantly pointing the finger and labelling players who enjoy Trials as "the problem" does not a solution make. That's not even a work-around. Trials in itself is far from a failure and to truncate that experience would be just another damning nail in Bungie's coffin. Really tried not to notice but.. Your ideas are getting a lot more radical, and a lot less feesable. I'm genuinely sorry the game frustrates you that much, and has done so for over a year. The weapon tuning needs a lot of work in the crucible, especially when new weapons roll out. I'm in no way saying that Bungie has it right. But at one point, in ONE update ages ago Bungie addressed shotguns as they pertain to the crucible and the PvE environment and made separate value changes. Why is that not an option that people consider any more?
I've often wondered why they even try to balance the crucible. As a PvP experience, Destiny is so broken in so many ways, so close to the core, that any concept of competetive balance is a fantasy without a complete rebuild. There seems/seemed to be a decent crucible following who enjoyed the whackyness of it, so why screw it up for them by trying to project some disorted reflection of an Esport candidate. Which Destiny will never be. Free your inner retard and embrace the chaos. No more nerfs!
Why stop at ToO? It's the PvP content that is responsible for the endless nerf train this game rides.
Yes. Someone please flush the Toilet of Osiris now.
If pvp went away all together is more like it. This game caters to cry babies esp pvp always has. But I haven't played in months don't care to game is trash the worst state its ever been in and is continuing to fall down hill fast