Above is the front of the shirt and [url=http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o103/bobcast24ida/DSCF0387_zps1709b4d4.jpg]this is the back of the shirt[/url].
What is special about this shirt you ask?
This shirt once belonged to [url=http://halo.bungie.net/Account/profile.aspx?uid=290949]BerserkerBarage[/url], ~B.B. for short. He was a very active and popular member until his untimely passing just a little over three years ago. Him and I became real life friends through this site and this community. I ended up with his this shirt and set out on a little project.
My goal was to have as many community members and Bungie employees sign his shirt, frame it, and send it to his widow. And that is exactly what I did.
I hosted a LAN part last year for the WorkPLace. There I started the collection of signatures. I entrusted the shirt to [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_skittles-x/en-us/view/profile/index#!page=index&mid=24131]Skittles[/url] who took it to PAX. What happened there, I have no idea, but it ended up in Bungie's hands. They graced it with their signatures and mailed it back to me. I then mailed the shirt around to a few more members and had it framed.
Framing it was a bit of a challenge because the signatures were on both side of the shirt. So the guy at my local framing shop was able to build a "jersey box" for the shirt. That way the shirt can be displayed with either side facing out.
The shirt was shipped out earlier this week, and it arrived to his widow today. She had no idea we did this for her.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this project, and a huge thanks to Bungie for signing that shirt and creating a community that would do something as awesome as this.