originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Ro: " A Titan, as in another guardian, not just a bounty hunter?"
[i] She awaits anxiously for his reply[/i]
"Another guardian titan but no motive for tracking me down, garuud thinks I have a damn daughter. All I know is she's been trying to find me she even knows who you are romii. "
R " So not a Bounty hunter, just someone looking for you." [i] She true to re assure him, but he's spent so much of his life being hunted that his instinct to go to ground is very powerful[/i]
"Yeah according to what garuud told me that is and I don't even have a name. All I know is its a sunbreaker Titan new monarchy gear with the red spectre. And she's looking for me for whatever reason"
[i] Ro leans back , hands behind her head. After a while she speaks up.[/i] R " As I see it you have two options, 1 you can run , and hope they get bored or whatever. 2 , you can find them and find it what they want. You know I will back you up whatever you decide." [i] She gives him a reassuring smile[/i]
He sits next to her And thinks for a moment "No point in running. So let's find her And see what she wants" [spoiler]Check pm [/spoiler]
You then receive a communication from Garuud " My ears are burning! You talking about me sunshine?? bahahahaha!"
[i] Ro bursts out laughing[/i] Ro: " Hey gorgeous, you are a persistent little flower aren't you!"
" Hey Ro! I am as persistent as a headache after a night of binge drinking bahahahahaha!" Garuud laughed.
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 12/15/2015 7:11:23 PMEclipse sits there and looks at the consle "No you're more like a parasite that won't go the hell away, Well anyways sadly I need your help. Don you know a titan Who ask to find me you know where she is?"
[i]Romii smiles , there is something about Garuud that drives Eclipse insane, she always just thought of him as that crazy family member that half the family don't talk too. She walks up behind Eclipse and gives him a reassuring hug..[/i] R : " C'mon he's never let either of us down and you know it. In fact if it wasn't for him I probably wouldn't be here." [i] giving him a peck on the cheek she goes back to her seat.[/i]
Garuud laughed. "There is something to be a parasite. You are sturdy as hell bahahahaha and Yes, the last time that I saw her she gave me a way to communicate with her when she was on the dreahnaught. I can call her and see if we can meet up." Garuud paused for a moment " Thank you Ro, finally some recognition! bahahaha!
Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/15/2015 8:05:34 PM[i] Ro is still smiling[/i] R " Credit where it's due man, got a lot to thank you for."
" haha glad to hear it!"
"Ok enough call the titan garuud I need to meet her"
" Righteo!" Garuud began calling the encrypted com channel that Reya provided him. " Heyo! Its Garuud, yeah you remember me! How could you forget! I found Eclipse, we are holding orbit next to the dreadnaught."
"Hello garuud great Meet me down on earth actually old russia cosmo drone"
" Sounds good! Meet ya there!" Garuud talks to Eclipse " She is on earth in the Cosmo drome, you wanna head there now? How do you want to play this? while it is fun messing with you, I don't know what she wants other than to find you, so it may pay off to scout a bit first."
Eclipse looks at the consle "As much as I don't trust you watching my back romii trusts so so it's good enough for me. No just sit on a ledge with Romii and if shit gets crazy then g et involved"
" Awww that's sweet, Thank you for that! I knew you loved me! bahahahaha okay, Ro we should go to the ridge above the meeting and I will go to the left of the meeting in the plane. You are a better sniper than me and I can deal more damage quickly up close."
Eclipse brings the ship down to earth in the cosmo drone and Gets out with Romii. And walks to an open feild. The snow is falling hard as he approaches the feild the other titan comes into view. Reya looks him over "my my Finally it's come to this" Eclipse draws his red death "don't bldo anything stupid here" Dency flies over to Romii and garuud "Please watch him"
"I never break a contract or promise, you have my word." Garuud said ( mature voice) "there was that one time." ( childish voice) "they tried to kill us first, it was fair game."
Dency gets right in garuuds face "I don't give a shit This is my master Don't make a goddamned joke of thi! The ghosts voice is Hostile
"Easy lil guy" Garuud pats Dency. "Nothing will happen to him." Garuud says as he pulls a odd looking sniper rifle and lines the sights up on Reyas head. "Just in case" Garuud says as he winks.
Dency grunts at garuud and sits next to Romii "Stupid oaf"
" I love you too Dency! Missed you. Beeteedubs, what have you been up too since our fated run against Oryx?"