originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Garuud ponders for a moment. " I guess the best way to explain it would be this. There is is writers writing what we do, I have insight into what they do or say. So that's what I know if that makes sense?"
[i]She thinks about this for a little while, considers everything they've been through, not to mention his un-erring faith that none is going to expire. [/i] R " Actually I think I do. For the most part anyway."
Garuud smiles "good! I'm glad! So, are you ready?"
[i] She takes a deep breath ,[/i] R " Lead on sensei."
Garuud stood and used his boosters to reach the lip of the hatch and pulled himself out and landed into the fallen camp that keeps watch on the Den. " No parties guys! No boys!" Garuud chuckled and then made his way to his ship and started getting it ready for lift off.
Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/15/2015 6:52:13 PM[i] Ro transported right behind him , looking wistfully back at her home.[/i] R; " After you." [i]she says across the comms[/i]
Garuud then took off towards the moon with Ro following behind. " We may have to do some clean up. Hive like to move back in quickly."
Ro : " wouldn't expect anything else, time to clean house."
Garuud laughed and then yelled " Bonzai!" Then sped his ship up to the entrance to the abyss and it dropped him off right outside the entrance.
[i] Again Ro drops in right behind him, she quickly checks Red ,and Broken ensuring they are both loaded and ready.[/i] R "I'm right behind you lets go."
Garuud laughs then yells "Geronimo!" And jumps into the abyss. A long owwwwww! Can be heard from the bottom as well as the screeches from thralls. "They like me, they really like me!" Then the screeching stopped. "Awww they are broken. There is not a lot down here now."
[i] Once she's stopped laughing and cleaned the tears from her visor , she takes the long drop. It really is a loooooooong drop with a severely unpleasant ankle destroying landing. Garuud was right, by the time she got down there all she saw were piles of chitin strewn about the place.[/i]
Garuud reached down and grabbed some of the chitin. " other than what I just did, some of this is recent. Like a few hours, look even the lamps have been detonated..... someone was here. Lets check it out!"
[i] She takes a deep breath ,[/i] R " Lead on sensei."
Garuud laughs and looks ahead. " Berrry mysterious!" Then moves ahead through the tunnels swatting away the odd thrall that found its way to them. As they reached the end. They saw that the bridge was formed and a shape moving across it at a quick pace.
Ro "I take it we follow that guy?" [i]As she watches the shape rush across the bridge.[/i]
" Sounds like a plan, but... be careful. They probably know we are coming, I was not exactly quiet." Garuud chuckled as he ran across the bridge humming the mission impossible theme.
[i] Ro does as he suggests, staying in the shadows and off to the side, so as to not be directly behind Garuud. Sure enough the few remaining thrall go for the Titan , she just fires from in the shadows.[/i]
Garuud laughes and turns around and throws a incendiary grenade into the crowd then yells ' You..... shall not...... Paaaaaasssssss! I always wanted to say that" He whispered to Ro.
[i] She shakes her head, as an ogre appears to indulge his fantasy even more she nods over,[/i] R " Er ...your Balrog is here"
"You have no idea how happy I am right now!" Garuud pulls out a sword. And throws another grenade in front of the ogre and jumps onto the ogre and stabs down into it as it burns. "Woooooooooo!"
Ro keeps any straggling Thrall off Garuud while he gets do his thing. The sound of Red echoes across the bridge as Thrall seem to materialise from underneath. Ro " Garuud , hon' , you nearly done?"
The ogre fell and died. " yep! Let's get after em!"
[i]They both take off across the bridge Ro dancing around any Thrall climbing up over the edge , shooting some that are further away, mainly though she just skips and blinks through and over them,[/i]
Garuud chuckled and ran through the light
[i] They arrive in the dimensional turbine room at the top of the stairs that look down at the totems. There are a couple Gate Keepers in view , the totems havn't stirred since Crota fell [/i] R " So how do we get across?"