Its the new "forever 29"
Remember when everyone's armor was equal during the house of wolves?
When no one was left behind?
Yeah I miss that.
I just here stuck on 290-300 armor.
And because of that no one want to do hard raid with me.
1 Edit: everyone says I should do normal. I already did normal. The loot system just keeps giving me weapons and hardly any armor. And its not enough so I decided to go for hard mode where it drops more often. But then I dont have a raid team anymore because of the fact I got left behind.
2 Edit: everyone says to go play other game modes. I have and recieved nothing decent.
Iron Banner: no good armor or weapons. They drop at 290 for me. (Keeping the pulse rifle tho.)
Trials: I get no reply or any teams to work with
SRL: been playing it for a week-nothing decent. ( fun mode tho)
Nightfall: I haven't recieved any armor or weapons that is 300+L only ghosts higher light drops. (Has a high chance to drop strike specific armor and weapons tho.)
Edited by theRonlyConly: 12/16/2015 3:05:48 PM
I'm stuck at 303 because I got only the auto rifle on my first and only run-through if King's Fall and no one wants to do the raid with someone that's only done it once.
Srl, gold tier trials rewards, iron banner, and xur got me to 309.
Do hard mode
Shoutout SRL for getting me past 300
It's actually getting easier to get those pieces since challenge mode came out. Feel like 318 is going to be the new forever 29. I'm only doing 2 raids a week (if that) and I can bring my Titan and hunter up to 317.
Focus on leveling up one character.
Don't worry bungie will sell 320 armour next week then you can buy it and feel like you accomplished something
Edited by KrissyTag91: 12/15/2015 11:20:46 PMMan I was stuck on 303 for ages till I finally ran a hard raid and got the luckiest drops, one HR boosted me up to 314.. It's just finding a team that has faith in you cos when they see that low light they assume your crap Unless you actually really do suck!.. Then your f@*ked
I enjoy playing with 290 guns more so screw it
I call bull shit. You're just bad.
Have not had this problem. Went from 295 to 305 in a couple days, no raids. Just nightfalls and IB. Now I'm getting 315+ gear from the SRL, and it doesn't even matter if I win. This sh*t is too easy. I'm at 308 and climbing steadily. Sorry RNGesus is sh*itting all over you, but keep at it and you should be OK. Probably.
I'd do hard mode with you. If you've completed normal and know the mechanics I feel as if a 300 can hang in hard. I completed my first hard at 303. Was 311 by the end.
I was stuck at that for a while, once I got the raid fusion and cloak I was about 303 that's when 310 exotics started to drop. I'm now at 312 and I haven't even killed golgoroth, skipped and did the sisters once though.
No worries little light, you can pay soon for 320 ha. Jk
Been getting 300+ helms in SRL
There is no forever 300, either be better, or find teams in the thousands of groups or #recruitment
Just wait till your 305
300 Light is your problem right there. 310 exotics and gear 300-310 drop when your 301+ light. You gotta find one more point.
Oryx normal mode has guaranteed 310 drops sRL 310-320 drops aren't until rank 3 IronBanner to get the 310+ drop you needed to hit rank 5 TrialsOfOsiris ten matches even if you lose them all you'll get a 300+ weapon from gold package. At 300 light, players could probably carry you through WarPriest, Golgoroth, and sisters but you aren't really doing your part DPS wise. Get up to 305 from the other mentioned methods, or look for a Sherpa group from Reddit or twitch, since not everyone can carry
Edited by pixelmagic: 12/15/2015 9:28:11 PMStick with SRL until you hit rank 2-3. Rank 2 drops between 300-310 gear, rank 3 drops 310-320. Play IB up to rank 5 (it doesn't take long to get 5 later in the week) as the rank 5 package gives a random 310+ piece of gear. Run strikes and use 3 of coins. You get a chance to drop 310 exotics. I run the level 36 playlist myself. The loot drops are close enough to heroic amounts but you get through strikes better. Don't give up on trials. Keep trying to find people. I do trials just for the bounties. I got my hunters 317 arms from silver reward package. I've never got more than 4 wins on a card. I've done normal kings fall once. I've gone from 300 to 310 and 3/4 like this and got both alts to 305 without raids at all. With SRL and IB drops I'm hoping to break 312 soon.
No reason to play hard raid. Get to 310 via exotic engrams, nightfall drops, SRL drops, Iron Banner drops......get the picture? Re SRL - hit rank 3 with an S class license and then tell me again about your drops.
Edited by Kielbasa: 12/15/2015 9:19:33 PMHard raid gives good loot. Don't make me laugh Only the ones who suck Oryx's d!ck get that kind of treatment. They called it challenge mode.
Play some trials