Its the new "forever 29"
Remember when everyone's armor was equal during the house of wolves?
When no one was left behind?
Yeah I miss that.
I just here stuck on 290-300 armor.
And because of that no one want to do hard raid with me.
1 Edit: everyone says I should do normal. I already did normal. The loot system just keeps giving me weapons and hardly any armor. And its not enough so I decided to go for hard mode where it drops more often. But then I dont have a raid team anymore because of the fact I got left behind.
2 Edit: everyone says to go play other game modes. I have and recieved nothing decent.
Iron Banner: no good armor or weapons. They drop at 290 for me. (Keeping the pulse rifle tho.)
Trials: I get no reply or any teams to work with
SRL: been playing it for a week-nothing decent. ( fun mode tho)
Nightfall: I haven't recieved any armor or weapons that is 300+L only ghosts higher light drops. (Has a high chance to drop strike specific armor and weapons tho.)
Oryx normal mode has guaranteed 310 drops sRL 310-320 drops aren't until rank 3 IronBanner to get the 310+ drop you needed to hit rank 5 TrialsOfOsiris ten matches even if you lose them all you'll get a 300+ weapon from gold package. At 300 light, players could probably carry you through WarPriest, Golgoroth, and sisters but you aren't really doing your part DPS wise. Get up to 305 from the other mentioned methods, or look for a Sherpa group from Reddit or twitch, since not everyone can carry