"Aww, that's cute. Nice try sweetie, but you don't know Switch very well if you think [u]that[/u] will break his will. And that's saying something, considering a piece of you is physically [i]inside[/i] him. Think about it: Switch cared for practically every innocent soul in that city you just ransacked, and you butchered at least a third of them in front if his own eyes. And did I see his will break then? No. Will his will break if one more of his friends dies? No."
"Sooner or later Aries, you're gonna find out the hard way that the [u]one thing[/u] of Switch's that you can't possibly break, is his will. I'll give you fair warning now since he's not here: what you did to him, is going to bite you straigh back in the ass. Hard. What can I say? Karma's a bitch. Just like the one standing right here"
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