As we all know it, Destiny is a dying game. But, not for the reasons you might think
Obviously, everyone thinks microtransactions are the end of the world. But, they are actually helping Destiny stay alive between DLC drops and other things. The real reason we should be complaining about and reporting to Bungie is the system they have deployed as a "MMO". A typical MMO has your levels, loot, and microtransactions. While Destiny incorporates all of this and more, they did it the complete wrong way ; Your loot determines your power. Look at one of the games Destiny was inspired by ; Borderlands. This cooperative loot-grinder perfectly combines combat, story, loot, and levels. The loot simply does damage, it doesn't determine your Badass Rank or anything special like that. Simply stats. The levels, however, reinforce players playing because the more you play the more Badass Ranks you get and the more Badass Ranks you get the better you become. Destiny needs something like this, something unlimited but balanced. Maybe Light levels can become similar to Badass Ranks since Destiny isn't really an MMO with player limits on servers and only maybe six people on a boss at max. No major climax of hundreds of players clashing together for control of the territory like in Planetside. It's not an MMO, right now its a failed Borderlands attempt.
Now, I want you to compare Destiny to Call of Duty. Call of Duty has a yearly annual release costing sixty dollars, or more if you want the special editions, and probably has around 4 annual DLC that run at twenty dollars. So, how do you get millions and millions of players to play the same 8-16 maps in the same boring gamemodes everyday for a year until the next drop and still expect them to buy the next year's worth of content? Levels past the max. Again, Destiny has failed in this by putting an easily met cap on the levels, and if not easily met its easy to get close. Call of Duty even has more microtransactions than Destiny that DO affect the gameplay! Skins, guns, armor, the list can go on. Destiny needs something like Prestige levels, that take legitimate time but don't affect the gameplay to much.
Even compare Destiny to Diablo III, another game that levels after the max. It takes forever (unless you hack) to get to 10,000 Paragon levels. Meanwhile, with maybe 3 or 4 weeks of playing Destiny (and that's raiding once a week) you can reach 300-320 Light. Destiny NEEDS levels after the max, maybe it could be Guardian Rank, or keep Light Levels but make them harder to get and increase the cap dramatically.
To conclude, Destiny needs the level raised. I'm sure that people will come back with the urge to increase their level, get the better loot, or whatever. While Sparrow Racing, Iron Banner, and Trials are all fun pass times, I'd much rather be farming a challenging boss multiple times a day for a low chance at something I really want. I'd much rather be racking up levels in Diablo, farming bosses in Borderlands, clashing armies in Battlefront, just something beyond a weekly raid, Trials, some aggravating races, and a mask party.
Is dead. Alhpa player here. Done oryx CM in 1 hour=joke Loots?joke CF loot?ship/shader=joke Im 318 not even worth to go 320. Im out. *drops mic*