The same reason I haven't completed the normal raid yet........ Life.
For those saying they werent high enough light or couldnt get in a team because of lfg demands. My cousin beat it tonight as a 306 hunter, only his 3rd ever kingsfall completion. He organised his own team and got to it. Said it was a piece of cake. For any doubters, search Nicowack and see for yourself
I did
I did and why the hell is it 3 times you get an artifact all challenges prior?
Cause raids don't really a peal to me
Because I'm 310 without raiding so why bother with that aggravation.
http://gamerant.com/destiny-oryx-challenge-ogre-bug-431/ So yeah there is
That one guy who goes for wrong orbs at the end or dies repeatedly.
My light isn't high enough and or I cannot find anyone who is willing to help.
Because I'm playing black ops 3
Challenge mode isn't entertaining
Cause I like pvp more
Bcuz iz Satruday mooring sum 1 winz end u, butt zee culd annyweyz
Cant get a team in time
I'm on holiday
Warframe and League of Legends. That's a pretty legitimate reason if you ask me
Well, I haven't beaten the raid yet....
Hosting totems through orxy challenge must be 315+ and either done challenge or know how to do challenge looking to do this quick message for invite
I have a life
Every team im with either cant do it, or leaves at Oryx 'cause they got things to do.
I've completed it but there is an excuse. Everyone asking for 316/318+ teammates when you can't reach 316 or 318 unless you play hard raid or non stop play trials or iron banner (which are limited time events)
Cause a shader, ship, and 320 primary is not important when you have the gta v update, fallout 4, or black ops 3
I have two completes (on two characters) but friends are having lots of problems just not getting credit for the kill. Lots of bugs.
Cant be bothered.
I can't raid till the weekend, cuz finals this week
Because the people I raid with can't get on during the week