Team aint on
To all you saying you have jobs, I have a job and beat it on all 3 characters. #NoExcuses #GitGud #BunchOfScrubs #BKRandoms #WhatsInYourWallet #Capital1 #JakeFromStateFarm #YouLoveYour9to5 #PartTimePlayers #Save15PercentBySwitchingToWiiU
What's the rush? Real question is why do you only have one character over 300? Scrub
Been studying for finals.
High school, that's why
Haven't had enough time to get on since then . Two jobs and school full time. Lately I get home and pass out lol
Edited by JIM MITTENS: 12/17/2015 2:30:00 AM"There is really no excuse." Ya, if you live alone with your parents and don't wanna move on in life then yes, there isn't an excuse. I'm not sure if you know this yet, but there's these things called responsibilities. Some people actually care about life, crazy huh? Edit: It's perfectly fine to live with your parents, but if you're living with them because you're too lazy to move on in life, that's a problem.
Sure. Because I haven't decided to try and raid again this week since my first group had a left side who couldn't kill the boomers on totems. Lol, your post is stupid and its only Wednesday
There is actually. I haven't completed it because there is no point, at all. I'm already high enough to go through hard raid, why would I need higher light? So I could go through it again and again? Maybe if there was some more dlc coming I would want to be max light, but last time I checked the only thing coming is stuff like SRL.
People came to my home, bloody people, wanting to interact with me gods damn it!
Because, LFG is full of elitist twits. THough, for the most part they are.
Been on a business trip. I have a thing called a job. Get one.
Edited by Vizard: 12/17/2015 2:14:34 AMHaven't played for over a month but will come back tomorrow. I wanna get my toons IB ready cuz next one could be my last. Might Aswell go out with a bang.
Edited by Entropy91: 12/17/2015 1:59:41 AMMy group runs on Saturdays. Because of some little things we have called jobs.
No excuse? Even though I haven't been able to get on since Saturday?
Because -blam!- you
Because I crashed my suburban, staved in the trunk of an Oldsmobile. Has not been a good reset week so far.
Finals. Not heading on this week because I wanted to dedicate my time to doing well on them. Don't have it on Friday, but I'm seeing Force Awakens that day.
No time
Don't care.
Stopped playing for 6 weeks, paper thin online friends. I am currently at 314 light lvl with 310 ToM, 317 1000 yard stare and 320 lmg from hard raid. I'm on x1☺ will be on in 30 minutes. Would love to do hard raid. My gt is same as above.
Cause my friends (and me to an extent) are playing different games. I avoid lfg like the plague now
We take our time, thats all. Its always better to work with clanmates instead of random, even know some of them are busy or not good in the game. We will get there, just take our time to work that out together, this is more important.
Quit for months. Got bored. Tried oryx for the first time today. Couldn't find ppl that were good and or wouldn't lag out.
Can't play during the week because school
Haven't had time or tried to find a group. That's excuse enough.