Because the people I raid with can't get on during the week
Shut the -blam!- up
Because a lot of teams don't have communication/synergy. And refuse to take the time to work everything out properly
Because Dota
I have a life outside of destiny
Haven't been able to play this week
People die from adds :/ [spoiler]I really don't understand. If anyone has a team that knows what the hell they are doing plz friend me. [/spoiler]
Couldn't be bothered really
I have?
Finals week
I made it up to Oryx but after a few times of trying the challenge
I haven't played destiny since last friday
If you're not a streamer with a rock solid 6 man team it's hard to get in a grove of this one
I don't like the loot that was rewarded and when I can get to 320 from iron banner I'll just do that
Why have you earned your recon yet. [spoiler]its because you're shiet and a waste of space. You'll never be good at this.[/spoiler]
You just got Tyrannosaurus Rekt by AlanElCubano
Great. An anonymous stranger on the Internet telling me what I should be doing. I guess I should drop that I'm doing and go do it. Oh wait, I forgot. I don't care what you think.
Edited by Happyjoey547014: 12/18/2015 2:40:14 PMCus people play other games. Next stupid question [spoiler]oh and ya, muted. Cus you are a waste of my time and will always be less than me.[/spoiler]
Last night, I had a guy who I truly believe did the no knight strategy almost exclusively before the Oryx Challenge came. He kept dying on the platform even after I announced that I got the spark and told everyone to get off.
Too busy playing Halo 5 and Witcher 3.
Because I suck! No I've done it. Got in 5 hours of "practice" doing it with LFG turds until i found the LFG lottery group and we one shot it. If anyone needs help, I'll be on after work around 4 pm EST on the 360. I'll help you get yours.
Because of this.
Because I am not good at raiding, so why should I make others suffer.
Because I've moved house and haven't got internet in the new one yet! Good enough excuse? Being installed next week
Cause I've been grinding out Fallout 4 :)