this is really simple and to the point you think your subclass stinks and needs a buff badly?
- titans think sun breaker got nerfed too hard?
- hunters want blade dancer to be buffed again?
- warlocks want a subclass changed?
- auto rifles got no buff, and pulse got nerfed to hard?
- dont like the changes with the achlyophage symbiote?
its simple stop playing with the item you want changed!
from what bungie has shown us its that their form of listening remains to be limited to their stats and numbers pulled from their entire player usage database. so to prove a point on how we feel about certain subclasses and even some gear the answer is to just stop using them as a whole.
Didn't work for apothisis veil, or skull of dire ahamakrara. You ever seen anyone that had an option of any other armor wear those? And they brought them to year 2.