I finally had a decent run at the challenge and we had 15 blights ready to go... The fourth ogre (near Oryx's spawn on the right) was at around 5% health when it teleported straight from its spawn point to the path next to me. Both myself and another Titan were using ToMs to kill the ogres and both were reloading so the ogre was not staggered when it teleported (from what I can remember).
Suffice to say the ensuing chaos caused our last wipe for the night.
Please investigate this issue and fix this bug.
Hello again, Thank you for this report. I will forward this, along with related reports, to the appropriate team.
My squad was having the same issue but upon switching fire team leaders the issue was in fact resolved.. Although I do find it pretty coincidental that this many people have THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM.
Edited by Jam and Toasty: 12/22/2015 12:40:55 AM
The ogres teleport out of the area of where the blights are. So if u do a round, leave blights on ground, then go to do another round and don't kill the ogres fast enough, the game teleports them out of the radius of the blight. From what I've seen u can stagger them twice before they Telly so kill them quick!
To everyone saying it's either bad connection or the ogres aren't being killed quick enough: http://gamerant.com/destiny-oryx-challenge-ogre-bug-431/
Buddy it is connection issues. Make sure the host has good connection or those ogers will teleport! We had these issues with 2 host once we switched it was fine!
Edited by BNGHelp5: 12/21/2015 11:41:38 PM[Update - 12/21/15] [b]Hello, All. We are currently investigating issues impacting Ogres during the Oryx encounter of the King's Fall Raid. We apologize for the inconvenience. [/b] Hello, Admino. This was likely caused by issues with your, or your hosts connection. To avoid future instances, I'd advise following our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url]. Players may encounter issues like this in all gametypes if their connection is not fully stable.
Have the people who kill knights help you kill ogres ( 1 grenade, a rocket ), those bad boys need to go down ASAP. I had a 320 ToM with my friend with a 318 ToM both titans running weapons and blessings. I assure you, after completing the raid 7 times to help friends, we melted those ogres, they were dead AS SOON AS THEY came out. Never seen any ogre teleport.
The drops was shit for such are glitched challenge I received 1 harrow pistol at 320 for my 6 hours of hard labor while alot around me got armour and weps all at 320 thanks bungee for the glitchs in the drops as well
It's your fireteam leader's bad connection
We had an ogor teleport to the back of the map. We killed him instantly and proceeded like normal. We were on or last rOund of blights.. We had an extra guardian run to that single blight as we grabbed the other 15 at once. Profit. Made it rain on oryx for a clutch group performance.
This is caused by connection problems
Reloading a ToM using blessings? Your joking right?
Fix the bug that you were reloading tom for no reason?
It happened to are team to! Why spend all this time for what? It's not fun playing your game!
We had teleporting ogres, and detonated all bombs without the challenge registering a completion....only brought Oryx to about half health....and lots of other problems. Lots of glitches..to point we joked it was part of the challenge. A lot has to go right....
[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4jRXT_qpU0&feature=youtu.be[/url] this is not a challenge, this is bullshi.t , the rewards are dissapointing too
Most interesting glitches were Oryx's sword poking through ground at my feet outside of the shade bubble.....and clear crystals all over the ground outside the shade....near middle of daughters towers.
The pain is real
Solution: we ran into all night. The only way we found is the ogers must die instantly. The bug is they teleport because they can't occupy the same space as the bombs. If you can get all 16 down before they take one step you might have a chance to beat this buggy piece of shit challenge
Common bugs in the Oryx encounter: 1. Grabbing the relic but it doesn't register 2. Relic platforms not appearing in a timely manner 3. Killing the shade but a few seconds later dying to doxology 4. Ogres teleporting NEW BUG SINCE PATCH DROPPED
Yeah they will teleport to the middle if someone dies, it's a bug.
ha this happened to us like 6 times yesterday. effin sux
My fireteam had a perfect connection and had the same problem. If you stagger them they won't teleport though.