Hold the Line
Exotic Auto Rife
"Last stands are for those who have those who have something worth dying for, and those who have nothing to lose"
High rate of fire, low impact
Exotic Perk: The last round in the magazine regenerates and does bonus damage (like Touch of Malice) at the cost of the user's ability to move and jump.
Passive Perk: Greatly increased armor while immobile.
Huh... so it's the Touch of Malice but forces you to not move when the last round is being fired, interesting... what do you want me to do with this one?
Probably a Titan escorting a group of refugees to the City, but ends up making a final stand against an overwhelming amounts of fallen.
Oh ok sounds pretty cool! Anything else specific?
Nope. Have fun with it!
Ok! I'll get to it as soon as I can