originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[i] Ro does as he suggests, staying in the shadows and off to the side, so as to not be directly behind Garuud. Sure enough the few remaining thrall go for the Titan , she just fires from in the shadows.[/i]
Garuud laughes and turns around and throws a incendiary grenade into the crowd then yells ' You..... shall not...... Paaaaaasssssss! I always wanted to say that" He whispered to Ro.
[i] She shakes her head, as an ogre appears to indulge his fantasy even more she nods over,[/i] R " Er ...your Balrog is here"
"You have no idea how happy I am right now!" Garuud pulls out a sword. And throws another grenade in front of the ogre and jumps onto the ogre and stabs down into it as it burns. "Woooooooooo!"
Ro keeps any straggling Thrall off Garuud while he gets do his thing. The sound of Red echoes across the bridge as Thrall seem to materialise from underneath. Ro " Garuud , hon' , you nearly done?"
The ogre fell and died. " yep! Let's get after em!"
[i]They both take off across the bridge Ro dancing around any Thrall climbing up over the edge , shooting some that are further away, mainly though she just skips and blinks through and over them,[/i]
Garuud chuckled and ran through the light
[i] They arrive in the dimensional turbine room at the top of the stairs that look down at the totems. There are a couple Gate Keepers in view , the totems havn't stirred since Crota fell [/i] R " So how do we get across?"
"Your not going to like it." As Garuud grabbed onto Ro and started spinning rapidly them launched her across at lightning speed. He then jumped up onto the highest tower and boosted to the highest point and activated his fist of havoc launching him across right where Ro landed.
[i]Good grief you think he would warn her first but no, when she thinks she is at the pinnacle of the boost she blinks taking her the rest of the distance. [/i]
Garuud merely chuckled " that way was better got your blood pumping!" He said as he stood from the crater he left.
[i]Crazy crazy Titan !![/i] " C'mon where too?"
"Up those stairs through the thrallway" Garuud said as he sprinted up the stairs towards the door.
Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/20/2015 10:51:07 AM[i] He wasn't kidding, as they entered the hallway it was piled high with thrall dust ,skeleton and chitin. Who or whatever had gone before had made short work of every single thrall They hadn't even had a chance to spawn more .[/i] R " So what do you suppose did this.?"
"Someone who was very angry, and or in a hurry"
" I'd prefer angry to in a hurry and still able to do this amount of damage"
" Hmm, true enough. But you have not seen me after Taco Tuesday, I am certainly in a hurry to the bathroom afterwards. By standers beware bahahahaha!" Garuud laughed and then found the pit at the end of the hall way. "Well, you wanna live forever ya apes?" and jumped in.
[i]And there it was , an image she will now never be able to erase. One of the few occasions she wished he had a filter. Still ,can't be unsaid now. Shaking her head she follows him into the pit.[/i]
When they landed Garuud began laughing. "Of course I'm joking, exos don't poop hahaha"
" It doesn't matter dude it's there now and nothing will get rid of it" [i]she grimaces[/i] " C'mon you gonna tell me what to expect"
"Well as for the ritual, I have told you what I can. The rest is all in the experience. The only thing I will add is that I will have to likely battle you while in your in that state. But as for who is ahead of us, No idea" Garuud said as he made is way into the final resting place of Crota. " Ready?"
[i] She walks over to a wall and lays down her sniper. As she walks back she rolls her shoulders flexing her neck and rubs her thumb across her finger tips.[/i] " Ok"
Garuud chuckled then walked out into the open. " Luuuuuuuuucy! You have some splanning to do!" Then waited for a response.
[i] Ro looks around unsure quite what to expect. Things seem oddly quiet but aside from that Ro doesn't feel any different. She looks across to Garuud [/i] R " Maybe this isn't dark, maybe we were wrong" [i]She calls[/i]
Garuud looks around wondering where the other being went." Well we are burning darkness." Garuud moved onto the main archway and moved into the crystal room. " This is where we will need to go."