So, I am curious.
What do y'all think would be my chances of being able to do a Solo run of VoG normal mode, at 293-295 light as a hunter?
Impossible, unless you want to be a very creative warlock
Have you ever done VoG?
Could you stream it? I would love to watch you waste your time... I mean attempt it.
If anyone on Xbox One wants to do a hard VoG run for fun, just send me a message. I'm bored as hell with SRL.
I know everyone is hating on you but I want to add xylar will be tough.
Year 2 noob lol
Its impossible to solo vog
Lol whys everyone such a dick. It's a simple question from someone who is curious, which can't be done lol
Need one more. Also beat kings fall. It'll get you useful gear.
I hope the forums tear you a new one so bad you have to make a new account
Some parts are not possible solo so nah. The parts that are have already been done though so yeah sure good luck anyway man.
Lol you are so dumb
If u get U gonna get out the portal
It's a lot harder now. They made it to where when you drop the relic and pick it back up, the shield charge restarts. So you basically have to slam all of the oracles, which is possible, but a lot harder on atheon.
Good luck doing the confluxes, oracles, Templar, and Atheon.
It's designed with fail safes to stop solo'ing. No matter your level you will hit a point where you cannot progress.
You can't. You'd have to be a self-rez Warlock for Atheon.
The amount of people saying you can't do atheon saddens me
Zero. Atheon teleports 3 people every time. You could not kill him fast enough.
You'll need at least one person for oracles but the rest is doable and Atheon has been soloed in the past. Have a look on YouTube to get an idea on what to do. Ps. Warlock ftw
OMG HIS GRIMOIRE IS BAD, QUICK MAKE FUN OF HIM. But honestly there are several parts where you need at least a second person for it.