So, I am curious.
What do y'all think would be my chances of being able to do a Solo run of VoG normal mode, at 293-295 light as a hunter?
You must be new. . .
Oh a kinderguardian, try it you might get lucky.
Impossible. VoG is no Crota, it's a well built raid that can't be solo'd.
Edited by rosstritch5: 12/17/2015 2:57:17 AMIt's impossible to solo all of it and besides we were already doing max damage back in house of wolves
Edited by redmuskrat: 12/17/2015 2:52:28 AMNot possible.
Impossible to solo VoG
It is physically impossible to solo VOG, even with 25,000 light and a year 500 gjallarhorn.
What ya gonna do at the end when you get teleported and their is nobody left to open the gate to get you back?
I just want to do VoG again, period. Never anyone on LFG doing it.
I thought you can solo VoG just with a warlock
Edited by E-Sentinel: 12/17/2015 2:04:17 AMYour warlock is level five. The only other way you could solo Atheon is glitch on to the pillar nd shoot at him for 20 minutes. [b][i]"People who quote themselves are idiots" - Seraph[/i][/b]
It's impossible
I don't think the game mechanics will let you do that.
It's impossible without a team of at least 3.
If you cheese it doable but to do it legit you need 2 peeps
You can't. The opening of the vault itself requires at least 2 people. Not to mention defending the confluxes during the templar and gatekeeper fights, oracles and you'll need at least one guy to keep the portals open when you run in to get the left and right relic during the gatekeeper fight.
Not gonna happen.
Not as a hunter.
nah man. impossible. I like your wishful thinking though
Edited by ginga28ninja: 12/17/2015 1:31:37 AMYa you can if smoggy Pluto and his year21 gjallarhorn help you [spoiler]lol noob [/spoiler]
Good luck at the confluxes
Whole thing? 0%
You can't solo the entire raid its physically impossible
Edited by C4: 12/17/2015 1:05:41 AMYou can only solo Atheon if you have a Self-Rez Warlock. Edit: Actually I dunno if it's even possible.
Edited by Get2DaChoppa81: 12/17/2015 4:18:25 AMZero chance. Even if you manage to get in, somehow defend all 3 confluxes, then be everywhere for oracles at the same time, and then destroy oracles and beat the Templar solo... [b]You can't get thru the Gorgon's Labyrinth with less than 3 people.[/b] The zone creates a literal wall at the exit when less than 3 are in the zone. Assuming you cheat your "solo" and get people to join you for that part, you can't get both relics at the gatekeepers solo. Then, Atheon... You'll get teleported 15 seconds in and die. And that would be the humorous part. You'll reset the encounter. Atheon spawns right away, and you'll just die repeatedly until you go to orbit. Edit: to all the fools that think you can solo the Labyrinth: Skip to 40 minutes, watch for the next 4...