So, I am curious.
What do y'all think would be my chances of being able to do a Solo run of VoG normal mode, at 293-295 light as a hunter?
Edited by Smooch: 12/17/2015 2:56:42 PMGood luck at confluxes x Plus it's impossible to solo the gatekeepers And atheon if you're not a warlock
Edited by Southern4x4: 12/17/2015 2:48:46 PM
How are you going to hold two relics while defending the conflux? I don't think you can solo VoG.
Yea bud go do that with hard light xD
Lol at this
Edited by Ice Cold Arson: 12/17/2015 2:13:32 PMCrawl back to whtvr hole you came from y2 scrub. Mmmmhh I love dis salt bbys For the y1 players who responded. Do not tell me that the current game is more fun than y1. It's not. Everything is nerfed to shit, the raid sucks bollocks in terms of loot, and trials is a single weapon circle jerk. My stats, grimoire or medal score that all you darlings took the time out to check don't mean shit when I'm talking about how fun the game is. It's not in the current state. Why? Y2 and y1 crybabies are so much more numerous. Anybody who actually went on the forums a lot in y1 can testify to how less the nerfing crying was back then. Not saying kinder guardians are bad. The y2 crybabies are. I'd much rather play in the thorn meta than any other. No, I didn't have thorn during that time. Didn't use it once. I'd rather play vanilla before tdb than any other expansion. Main point: I called that guy who thought he could solo vog a fućktard not anybody else so calm your tits. Vanilla >>>>>>>>>> everything else.
0%. Even a 320 would have 0% chance, with the teleporting at the end. Nobody to let you back in through the portal, no completion.
You will never solo VoG. Ever. It's been tried. You'll maybe get to Atheon but you won't beat Atheon.
It's possible but the maze and Gatekeeper will be a challenge.
Gorgons and gatekeeper can't be soloed everything else can.
Impossible. Parts of vog are actually impossible to do solo. The gate can be solo'd, but it is extremely difficult because of the distance, but you actually need three people to get through the gorgon's labyrinth. If you don't have three people, the opening to the cave out is sealed.
Normal or hard
I would say..... Literally impossible! :D
Edited by Clayton3434: 12/17/2015 1:43:18 PMThere you go one as a titan and one as a hunter, they both solo atheon Removed the gatekeeper as he didn't solo all of it
You can't. Tried it
Edited by Cyrsly: 12/17/2015 1:02:09 PMThe whole raid can not be soloed.
You need to be sunsinger warlock for Atheon and another person to hold the other relic at gatekeeper
I Soloed it up to the maze with a 170 so your chances are good^^
Sorry taken tot Why haven't you even -blam!-ing completed the story yet? And it's a six man raid.
Have you tried VoG in general? To me it doesn't look like you have
You can solo Atheon but that's about it. Crota can be done pretty easily give that a go
Edited by CMANGoKillYOU: 12/17/2015 12:56:31 PMIm sorry taken tot, but it's not possible
You cant. Go ahead and try. You wont be able to.
You can't do it solo. The gorgon maze requires you to have 3 people to have the end of the maze open and after that you need at least one more person to carry two of the relic shields, then you must have at least one more person during atheon to open the portal for you unless you're a warlock, but you're a hunter so solodolo for you.