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Edited by Veration: 2/18/2016 11:36:04 PM

Gamma Asteria (RP)

[b][i][u]Now Entering: Gamma Asteria. Enjoy your stay, traveler.[/u][/i][/b] Welcome to the galaxy of Gamma Asteria, a province that exists beyond the boundaries of space and time and this isolation from those who threatened civil strife has eliminated it. Our humans, denizens of God are happy. Our leaders are affective. They weed out evils time and time again, and keep the world at peace. We reside in the large home world of Abalava, an artificial planet housing most of Gamma Asteria's commoners. But out of this large city... Blood litters the worlds, as scavengers scour every inch of the universe in hopes of plunders surpassing our wildest dreams... They are deluded, grasping at straws. The lone settlements are inhabited by men who seek freedom from the Gamma Asteria Galactic Government, but will not survive. And then there are you... People who strut across these desolate and dangerous planets, with so many choices. And this is where you start. [u]Locations:[/u] [u]Factions:[/u] [u]Character Creator:[/u] [u]Assignments:[/u] [u]Join Our Group:[/u]

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  • [u][b]Roxton/Barton Prime, System Edge[/b][/u] "Umm, yes Ma'am, we have arrived to the specified system." [b]The Captain, in all of her morning glory grunts and cuts the call as her steward, Brian McGuiness, knocks on the door to her chambers.[/b] "Coffee on the table Ma'am." [b]Shadow lets a slight grin reach her face as she sleepily sits up in her bed.[/b] "And let me guess, no work before I can function?" "Indeed, Ma'am." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]One hour, a shower, and two cups of coffee later Shadow zips her uniform up before striding out the door into the hallway.[/b] "Ah, Captain, ready to face the choir?" "Martin, you always know when to ruin a good mood." [b]Senior Commander Rodriguez falls into step slightly behind the Captain, giving her the lead as they head to the lift tubes.[/b] "Ah, but today is a Monday. There was no mood to ruin." [b]Shadow laughs at that as she enters the lift, the Commander entering after her and typing the controls to the bridge.[/b] "Well, it appears this system is inhabited. Two planets, both populated." "Ah, is that so? We will send down a scout while leaving the [i]Matador[/i] at the edge of the system." "As you wish, Ma'am." [spoiler]Closed, next one is probably going to be open. Comments are very welcome.[/spoiler]

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