originally posted in:Neo Punks
Each Nation is Armed with their WMD, capable of annihilating cities in seconds.
[b]KOS[/b]: The Kinetic Orbital Strike, an orbital tungsten rod dropped from space that creates an artificial and catastrophic earthquake that destroys a city.
[b]Titans[/b]: Giant 250 feet tall humanoid mechs with a magnetic core in the center of their chest that fires "glassing" beams that destroy cities.
[b]Anti-Matter Missile[/b]: A dangerous weapon with the largest blast radius. The missile is powerful enough to destroy beyond a city, and turning anything within and outside of the cities borders to dust.
[b]Vortex Strike[/b]: A military grade weather-device, used from orbit, that creates a powerful vortex at the center sucking up all debris and creating an artificial tornado. The pulls of the wind reach beyond even those of F5 tornadoes, and can generate G-forces equal to 10.
And nukes