So..... I'm having difficulty finding some real [b][i]Dead Orbit[/i][/b] Members. I mean the dedicated ones post your User, Platform and Rank. I wanna meet a [b]Rank 100 member.[/b]
Check out my Clan Page [b][i]Phantom Troupx[/i][/b] I'm looking for a Loyal Elite of 13 Members being a High Ranking D.O makes you a great Applicant.
Honestly..... when i got bored enough one day i started reading my Grimore cards.... And now Dead Orbit is my Least favorite faction.... but... I have one of each character, each with their own Faction.... but.... Dead Orbit is on my Main. Seriously though..... Future War cult. Doesn't matter if we defend Earth, or run from it..... there's gonna be more war. FWC will help. FWC will be ready.