originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
I've recently taken to learning some C# and figured I'd poke around with the Bungie API. Right now I am just using Json.NET and decoding objects as I request them. The issue I am running into is that if I query /{membershipType}/Stats/GetMembershipIdByDisplayName/{displayName}/ I am getting ErrorCode 217. This has been happening for the last few days. Is this endpoint not a good way to get MemberId anymore?
Thank you,
Make sure the following is true: * You're passing in the correct casing for the gamertag. Unfortunately for various frustrating technical reasons, the casing of the gamertag must be an exact match. So if my gamertag was VThornheart but I pass vthornheart, it will fail with error 217. * The gamertag actually exists and has played Destiny. If we haven't seen them play destiny, we won't find their info. * You have matched the appropriate membershipType to the type of account reflected by the gamertag. To use the previous example, if VThornheart is an XBox account (membershipType = 1), and you pass a membershipType of 2 (2 being the membershipType for PSN), it's not going to be able to find my destiny membership info and you'll get an error 217 again.
Edited by Spartain: 12/17/2015 9:51:53 PMThis error code is: UserCannotResolveCentralAccount btw, not sure if that helps. This is the endpoint that I use as well though, and it works for me. Just checked it again and it worked. Is it just your account that isn't working? Here is a sample request of mine that worked: /Platform/Destiny/1/Stats/GetMembershipIdByDisplayName/Spartain/ Edit: how many more times do you think I could use a conjugation of the word "work"? lol.