Alright I kind of agree with you but you can't expect anyone else to with that attitude.
Take a chill pill, a re-laxitive, a su-ppositive.
Alright? Good.
Now try and rewrite your feelings with a little bit more care. And maybe then people will listen to you.
Good luck.
He just told you to put in your ass in the classiest way possible, and he's a Titan. Rekt>Not rekt
How about this: Stick it up your ass.
Rekt, no matter how you try to compensate. There is no come back.
I've already done that. Those posts get ignored by this ignorant community. The only way to garner any attention is to bitch at your loudest. I've learned that from all the hunters on these forums who bitched to get HoS nerfed.
Harsh but if that's really how you feel.