And you are crying because now you cant go God mode whit sunbreaker? Tell how it was fair when you turn on your super and just ignore everyone because noone can one shot you(apart black spindle and need of exotic sniper is overkill), you just run, trow hammer, if they hit you - you heal instantly whit each kill, explosion radius almost certain to give you multikills, super is active I think for 20 seconds, its got tracking. As for GG - it last about 12 seconds, you need to aim accurately for it and you have 3 shot (how many shot have sunbreaker). Btw simbiote which gives you 4 shorts reduces your GG timer to 8 seconds. As for tripmines - they are trape that meant to catch ppl who dont pay attention to surroundings. Its easy to disable them. Tell me how you disable fusion grenades when they get on you?
Btw I did play whit prenerf Titan and all I can I was just feeling sorry for enemy team, because once my supper is up there is NOTHING that can stop me. Its was first time that I got few wrecking ball medals in one day....
You didn't need an exotic sniper. Also I feel like taking someone down while their super is activated should take "extreme" measures. It shouldn't just be something almost everyone can do easily.
I guess you dont use sniper...
Well originally only high impact snipers killed sunbreakers black spindle, black hammer, efrideets, etc Now 1000 Yard Stare has been added as well as its archetype of snipers.
Well 1000 yard stare works only after patch, as for others - do you play Osiris or iron baner? Because how many of those you named can be used in y2?
Edited by draycole: 12/17/2015 5:39:29 PMOk so in 2 of the 10-12 pvp modes the year 1 weaponsl wouldn't be viable. Fine.
Well, if it was like that then all supers should be like that, not just SB
Saw big wall of angry text. Didn't read. Assumed mad Hunter. Was correct.
I seen short text. I assume its ignorant and arrogant person. Im correct. On side note. I like to play Titan and I perfer to go striker over sb. Btw its no fun to to stomp ppl whit broken stuff. It was same when I was enjoying last word before its nerf - I did know it needed nerf and I didnt complain when it got one.
*hunter crying intensifies*
mad at* hunter?
No that's guys a hunter.
got ya. ma bad.
I disable all sticky grenades by playing shadowshot with shade step then just lol.
ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS NERF CAUTERIZE. Instead they nerfed EVERYTHING!!!! They are so stupid!!!! Also, if you feel that you need to "aim accurately" with GG, you are a scrub.
Say that to blade dancers ninja nerfed to the fking ground
Yeah, they need to fix the melee glitching that is going on.
This is a glitch with the melee. Also, arcblade has a completely different skill set, going invis in ToO and coming up behind the enemy is extremely powerful and doesn't require a super.
Arc bolt was nerfed. So was blink. So was quickdraw. Flux grenade was terrible since day 1. Scatter grenades are ok at best. Meanwhile cauterize nerfed cause the super is ranged and it also worked for grenades. You still got Titan skating. All the grenades are ohk incendiary is a ohk thermite is ohk if you toss it right at their feet, getting hit by initial detonation and fire wave is insta dead. Fusion grenades are ohk if stuck which is extra easy. Super is still better than arcblade. Simmering flames is great, max discipline fusion and armamentarium equals grenades for days.
I agree that sunbreakers where nerfed a little to much but I don't think it's as bad as some people will lead you to believe. I mean I still get a sense of panic when I hear a sunbreaker. I personally think they're still good
Well im not scared, because I know that I can headshot hit whit high impact sniper just like any other super