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12/17/2015 3:36:35 PM
If this logic was true they never would have nerfed HoS because "every sub class is good as long as you are comfortable with it". Thanks for proving my point twice.

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  • I think some of the HoS needs were unjustified considering tracking only proc'd when right next to them (Basically doesn't process at all anymore) As for what I said, a ranged healing super is a tad much. Even The Ram's life steal has a cool to keep it I'm check. Also, my point still stands that if someone who excels at PvP does good on a Titan then they'll most likely excel on the other two as well as long as their comfortable with it. Because like I said, supers and grenades only get you so far. At the end if you can't out gun someone, you'll still lose. Even if you're using the "best" class/subclass

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