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12/17/2015 3:46:27 PM
Well... How should I say... A lot of things are broken in the Crucible now. And I have no idea why. Or if Bungie will do something against it. I'm currently playing a PvP session and I'm going from one laggy game to another. I am also recording some games to double check if it's me, or the lag. But I definitely have a collection of games by now, in which my melee would get consumed, yet no damage was dealt. I also have a lot of games in which my shotgun simply doesn't kill, even though I am in the correct range and I aim the reticle at my target so that all pellets hits. I'm getting phantom burst damage while I engage an enemy. Suddenly I lose 3/4th of my health, even though only one bullet hit me. And the snipers without scope flair, are really starting to wear on me.

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