[b][i]Sparrow Racing[/i][/b] is a blast, the constant controller vibrations are just an added bonus. Here are some things that will bring it to a Super Saiyan level of badassery.
[b][i]Selectable announcers:[/i][/b] I love Amanda holiday and her lustful eyes as much as the next guy, but sometimes I need an Australian Vixen letting me know I've taken the lead. Sometimes I need [b][i]Samuel Jackson motivation.[/i][/b] I wouldn't mind Cayde 6 himself letting me know I lost him his purse.
[b][i]Loop-de-loops:[/i][/b] Insert [i]Just Do It[/i] video here.
[b][i]Bridges:[/i][/b] Everybody's favorite part of Crota's End was correctly forming the bridge, so let me fly over one at [b]160 kph.[/b] Also, Rainbow Road.
[b][i]Sexy Sweeper Bot flag drop:[/i][/b] Beginning of the race, out walks Sweeper Bot, in a tight crop top and jean shorts, [b]3...[i]2....[u]1....[/u][/i][/b] [b]GO![/b]
[b][i]Post-Race Lancing:[/i][/b] If I can't have Shank Jousting, please give me this.
[b][i]1st person view option:[/i][/b] I [i]will[/i] hit the wall. I'd like to see what my sparrow sees when I end its life.
[b][i]Bass drop:[/i][/b] Actually I just mean a very large fall, like entering the Gorgon's Lair via the jump of death.
[b][i]Dismantle mines/Taken Captains:[/i][/b] I'm fine with either. Let's spice it up.
[b][i]Dual sparrow:[/i][/b] Let me bring a friend with me. With a gun. First one across the line ([b]alive)[/b] gets the cake.
[b][i]Shut up Ghost:[/i][/b] <---
[b][i]Louder, faster clown horns:[/i][/b] But only if you hate us.
[b][i]Mara Sov/Petra cheerleaders:[/i][/b] Cayde and Shaxx for the ladies.
[b][i]Jumping Puzzles/Transept:[/i][/b] Just kidding. Probably...
Those are just a few things off the top of my head.
[spoiler]For real on the loop-de-loop, though.[/spoiler]
I like taken captains. Interesting.
The cake is a lie.
The bridge was everybodys favorite part? Really? I flippin hated the bridge. Lamp section was always my favorite.
I refuse to live without the 320 warlock bond that never frigging drops
Didn't need to read anything other than rainbow road to know you were right about everything else.
Need More Cowbell.
Decent ideas, but FIRST they need to fix collision on terrain, gates and other players.
Can some one help me with the s rank for SRL?
Pick up weapons/class based weapons
No bridges. Every other post is an incoherent ramble, crying for a nerf. Could you imagine if people could be bumped off said bridge?!?!? You'd have a massive amount of red faced 14 year olds spamming the forums in tear soaked faces.
Stupid question... How do you use your horn?! I've tried everything.
LOL and I like your ideas....I want Crota on the map trying to chop racers to bits....
lol YUSSS xD
I want, no I [i][b]need[/b][/i] a taken sparrow.
You lost me after "Australian Vixen". That is by far the worst accent a woman can have, barely beating out British.
Please, for the love of god, fix the gates. Sometimes I'll be like "Dude no way I just got that gate" and other times I'll be like "The F@%ck?! How did I miss that?!?!" *falls into rage and drives into all 3 fans*
Another great post PONE
Edited by Seth, Knower of Things: 12/17/2015 8:34:31 PMI want to pay Bungie 10$ and get them to let snoop dogg record all the PvP lines. "Daymn boi, getting them seventh columns and shit. -blam!- them bitches up."
I'd love a mute button to mute all those annoying ass horns. At least give me the option to mute just the horns instead of my TV.
I would love to see some additional themed sparrows..... Emergency Services - Police, Fire, Ambulance (complete with lights and sirens) General Lee (yes with politically incorrect rebel flag paint job) RedBull Nascar edition Nightrider with KiTT voice instead of NolanBot. Monster Truck style (double height, easily tips over...etc.)
*sees ponethepoon* *likes post* *reads post* *is not disappointed*
Great ideas! Bumpy bump
Edited by ALM23neo09: 12/17/2015 7:44:00 PMI like this. Great ideas. How about having to use our current supers but tweaked for SRL. Defender titan You drive your sparrow and get that sweet super bar filled, you activate it and BAM, a huge purp shield around you and your sparrow. Now if people try to take you out then Boom they go off flying. Sunbreaker Who doesnt want to throw flaming hammers going 160. Now for striker Im not sure what tho