Kinda like huntard
Nothing. It's just force of habit now. I own a whorelock so don't worry I'm allowed to say it. Just like I call hunters punters and titans pimps, see where I'm going with this ;-)
Ahh yes that's fine
It's the same as *cough* coloured gentlemen *cough* calling each other that N word we're not supposed to use, so long as your a whorelock say what you want about whorelock's :-P
Yeah ibwasnt risking somebody taking offense cuz I used a word lol
People need to harden up... Im white, grew up in a shit area, went to a school where it was predominantly black... more than half my mates are black. I see no problem calling them niggrs if said in the right way. It's all in how you deliver it, anything can be said offensively if said in the wrong tone or situation. But that's me... And everyone's different.
Don't get me wrong I use the word and agree that it's all in how, when and where you use it and on a forum where you can't really read into the context of what someone's trying to say, I was just being careful not to draw any negative attention to myself cuz I'm not like that :-)
True. Thats the problem with writing things (texts/forums etc.) you cant tell [i]how[/i] its being said.