I run gunslinger all the time in pvp lmao. Only scrubs still run blade dance, they need their blink and quick draw crutches. Gunslinger may be the easiest class to start, but it's the hardest class to master
Oh and gg definitely isn't the hardest to master, not even close lol. It's an easy to use, high floor/low ceiling class.
Nightstalker ftw.... And I wouldn't call blade dancer a "crutch class," in fact all classes are pretty equally balanced right now.
Nearly every one of your crucible games on your hunter are negative lmao, that's what you get for using nightstalker I guess. For pvp, nightstalker is by far the worst. I'm not sure how you can tell me gg is easy to master, yet you have a 1 KD on your hunter? I don't think you've mastered [i]any[/i] subclass tbh. The only ranged class that allows you to play defensively and aggressively and requires the most amount of precision on each of the subclasses is the easiest to master? Lol, ok m8
Edited by BxL3G1T: 12/17/2015 9:52:20 PMYep that was a drunken night. If you REALLY wanted to look you'd see the other games where I actually try. You'd also see I go to the lighthouse 3x weekly and have good stats when it counts, and more importantly I win a lot. But you're too busy finding the like 2 things that kind of back up your argument when taken out of context, that and you still haven't actually made sense. Oh and check my monthly k/d's if you want. I'm around 1.15 overall, since the start of TTK is around 1.6. Am I the best of the best? No, but I definitely know what I'm talking about.
I'm sure you know what you're talking about, dude. Fact of the matter is, though, is that I'll still rek kids in the crucible with gg. Hell, I'll rek you too if I come across you in a game :\. Just bothers me that you act like you know what a [i]good[/i] player uses, or that top tier hunters don't use it when gg is just a better option overall. Do good players use bladedancer or shadowshot competitively? I'm sure they do, but if gg is such an easy class to use, it's weird how more people still use ns and bd.
I do know what good players use. Just because I'm not top tier, doesn't mean I don't watch or know a lot of top tier players. I have 5 friends ranked in the top 100 elo for trials atm. Nightstalker, nightstalker, bladedancer, sunsinger and defender(yes really) are their mains. Every top streamer I've seen or played against runs blade dancer or ns (if they're on hunters, sunsinger if not, rarely see then run titans). I'm not doubting your abilities to get kills with gg, a good player will get kills with anything. But ns and bd have more "tricks in their bag," they're just more difficult to master and use effectively.