Thanks destiny you have officially ruined my life.There should be a support group for this game its like crack or heroin! I just need one more hit.The first hits free but now its 25 dollars to carry on playing..ok lets carry on.Great were still playing but now its 10 dollars to get that dance emote that everyone has,cant be left out now can we?.......ok i'm still here.Still playing,got to keep playing, got to get to 320...must do raid soon.Hands shaking its 4am wifes gone to bed alone again.Need to lfg a fireteam. Oh wait i'm not high enough light level yet.Keep grinding its 7am now havent slept time to take my kids to school.still smell of drink and haven't slept .still trying to get to 320.......wife throws water on me im asleep and its time to go to work still drowsy from the 10 hour destiny grind.This has got to stop she says,it will i say.Next night same again....3 months later there's a note on the table when i get home.I cant do this any more it says were leaving,its gone on long enough you can play your game to your hearts content now i hope you're happy.I send a text saying i'm nearly at 320 now just one more game......
Need320morethanlife had me -blam!-ing dying
It's not bungies fault.... By the way before you invent a story at least have something to back it up... you haven't even completed the raid. Anyway have a good day guardian
If this story is true, then I'm sorry that this happened to you. I can understand addiction cause I had a similar issue. After the military I smoked marijuana heavily and it took over my life. I eventually went to an addictions therapist at the veterans affairs and it helped me a great deal. I went through such a horrible depression and anxiety and the only thing that made me happy was smoking, eventually it became the only thing I wanted to do every single day. I know how that feels and I strongly suggest you get some help from an addictions therapist. It will take time but you can have your life back, and hopefully have you're family again, good luck man
Wife left cos op types wall of text
First of all joke or not if a grown ass man doesn't understand priorities why are you allowed to breed?
I don't believe you.
If this is true, you ruined your own life. Strength of will, my friend. That is all.
Only one thing left to do[spoiler]finish the challenge modes[/spoiler]
Troll in the dungeon...hasn't even hit 300 has no idea of the struggle probably doesn't even have a wife
Sounds like more of a [i]you[/i] problem.
This game first real world shit can wait till later. Keep grinding the struggle is real!
You need help.
Broooo, complete the sentences
Nice troll. Unfortunately, this has happened to people with online games. It's not the games. It's their addictive personality. If it wasn't a game it would be something else.
Sounds like you grind a lot but you have no character above 300, my friend has only played TTK for 13 days and he already has 2 characters above 300 he also had to restart because he got hacked and all his characters got deleted.
So you got 320 yet? #priorities
Relevant video here's your support group
Maybe this video can help you.
This is the best troll I've seen in a while. Well done.
Destiny isnt addicting at all. Leaving was one of the easiest decisions ive ever made.
Screw em ..... They just don't get the struggle !!!! It takes a real commitment to excel at this game. How can you be expected to be concerned with daily mundane activities after you've basked in the glory of defeating the Taken King !?!?!
If you allow a video game to take over your life and it causes all that then you're a dipshit
Your damn fault if you seriously got your kids taken into custody and your wife left you how is it destiny's fault. At least I can put down destiny for a couple days. I'm not even sad for you
God man.... It's a game, I don't even feel bad for you. This is your punishment for putting a game in front of family.