Thanks destiny you have officially ruined my life.There should be a support group for this game its like crack or heroin! I just need one more hit.The first hits free but now its 25 dollars to carry on playing..ok lets carry on.Great were still playing but now its 10 dollars to get that dance emote that everyone has,cant be left out now can we?.......ok i'm still here.Still playing,got to keep playing, got to get to 320...must do raid soon.Hands shaking its 4am wifes gone to bed alone again.Need to lfg a fireteam. Oh wait i'm not high enough light level yet.Keep grinding its 7am now havent slept time to take my kids to school.still smell of drink and haven't slept .still trying to get to 320.......wife throws water on me im asleep and its time to go to work still drowsy from the 10 hour destiny grind.This has got to stop she says,it will i say.Next night same again....3 months later there's a note on the table when i get home.I cant do this any more it says were leaving,its gone on long enough you can play your game to your hearts content now i hope you're happy.I send a text saying i'm nearly at 320 now just one more game......
This game can end you beware