Nat pulls out her ghost Cog
"Any details on the trace signal she gave us? Clarrisa doesn't seem to be here" a sudden rip of sound as a jump ship flies overhead and lands about a hundred yards ahead.
Before Cog could answer her question Nat jumps into a nearby alley. "Shit! Let's hope they didn't bring the fallen out on top of us"
Her ghost chirps "Dearie, I believe it's too late for that. I'm picking up movement all around us now."
"Ohhh god damnit!"
"Please do calm down."
"'re right" the warlock draws her dagger and makes a small incision on her palm. "That should work for transference? Right?"
"It's risky" her ghost replies to her question "you're sure you can't find another heat source?"
"None that I can feel within my Alar."
"If you're sure..."
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