We've seen and used PLENTY of LMGs throughout the games lifetime so I just wanted to see what everyone's top 5 LMGs are.
Mine are (NPO):
Jolder's Hammer
Corrective Measure
Against All Odds
What do you guys think?
1. Thunderlord 2. Deviant Gravity 3. Holders Hammer 4. Corrective Measure 5. Zombie Apocalypse
BTRD thing was awesome. Still have one. Insane range and almost Max stability...
Xerxes C with Focused Fire.
Edited by Talk2MeToner: 12/18/2015 4:59:52 AMIn order 1. Quillims (yeah I like it better than Tlord because of cocoon in a machine gun being dank plus extra taken damage and the look of the harrowed one) 2. Thunderlord 3. Corrective Measure 4. Against All Odds 5. Jolders Hammer (basically against all odds but mine had worse perks, but since it looked cooler I guess a tie lol) 6. The Swarm cuz it's the OG PVP high impact LMG
vendor jolder's from y1
BTRD and The Swarm, oh how I miss you....
Xerxes C Xerxes C Xerxes C Xerxes C Xerxes C Xerxes C
Xerxes C is the best lmg, nothing beats it.
Xerxes or something like that... It was an uncommon, from TDB, if I'm not mistaken... It was a beast PvP...
Zombie apocalypse
Btrd is #1 everytime
Zombie Apocalypse?
Youre missing zombie apocalypse, btrd
No zombie apocalypse? Really? To each their own, I guess...
Zombie Apocalypse
The culling? Obvi [spoiler]yes I am joking[/spoiler]
The BTRD its was pretty broken, and the Zombie apocalypse WF its was such a beauty. I dont remember if the deviant gravita was a LMG.
Edited by Elitespear: 12/18/2015 2:31:49 AMBTRD needs to be in there. With aggressive ballistics it killed faster than Jolders. Best MG in the game so far.
The BTRD was an absolute monster bro. The vendor roll on the year 2 Iron Banner heavy machine is solid too, though I think the Baron's Ambition has better base stats and can wreck if you can land one with crowd control.
Where is Wolves' Bane? That thing melts. I slayed sunbreakers with it PRE-NERF
BTRD followed by thunderlord
Your list looks spot on. I would like to nominate Zombie as well though. Solid impact/rate/stability combined with a 72+ mag was just glorious.
Edited by GODTRIDENT: 12/18/2015 4:19:11 AMBTRD that thing is a beast. Edit: The Swarm is a beast also.