[quote][b][i]Selectable announcers:[/i][/b]I wouldn't mind Cayde 6 himself letting me know I lost him his purse.
[b][i]Bridges:[/i][/b] Everybody's favorite part of Crota's End was correctly forming the bridge, so let me fly over one at [b]160 kph.[/b] Also, Rainbow Road.
[b][i]Post-Race Lancing:[/i][/b] If I can't have Shank Jousting, please give me this.
[b][i]1st person view option:[/i][/b] I [i]will[/i] hit the wall. I'd like to see what my sparrow sees when I end its life.
[b][i]Shut up Ghost:[/i][/b] <---
[b][i]Cayde and Shaxx for the ladies.[/i][/b][/quote]
I love you for these.
[quote][b][i]Louder, faster clown horns:[/i][/b] But only if you hate us.[/quote]
And hate you for this. <3
Beep beep mother -blam!-er. Haha
Here he comes! D: I prefer ding-ding myself. \o/
Just heard the aquatic horn yesterday....dear god