Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Looking to do Poe all levels. Gt same as above
Need one for poe 35
Need 2 for skolas
Poe skolas, gt same as above
Looking to do Poe gt same as above
Need one gt same
306 Titan
302 Warlock lfg
Doing skolas, need 1 Message gamertag above.
Gonna do level 32 and 34 arena, anyone is invited just send message to gt same as above
Looking for 2 more players
Need two msg for inv
Need 1 for skolas cp. Msg spartanhunter88 for inv
316 lfg to run Skolas for exotic gun drops
313 warlock looking to do skolas's revenge. Never completed and would like to make a quick run thru. Mssg gt above
Need 1 more for skolas Revenge
looking to do any of the three GT tinydan124
Grinding PoE for coins. Who wants to help? Msg gt trentski82.
New to streaming so come check it out it be much appreciated search thewildeslife or www.twitch.tv/thewildeslife
Need 1 for skolas Message ReprizaH for invite
Looking for a team. Lvl297 light.
Need 2 for poe 318 titan GT: RaziWu Xbox1
Skolas xbox one, need 1
Looking to do Skolas, message MASTERJAKE90, need two
295 warlock looking for fresh run. Looking for semi/no experienced guardians who have the patience to not rush things. I've already done the raid so will help less experienced out. GT: PanzersUnleash
I'm on ps4, anyone down to do skolas?