Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Looking to do skolas msg me on xbox for an invite
Im 282 light. I need two higher light guardians to help me with the night fall. Add xxHARRY777xx on the Xbox one
Looking for players who wanna do Skolas
If you wanna farm strange coins send me a msg or invite. Seventh l3tter
Need 1 for 35 POE. Both of us are 319 light.
Need help with prison of elders please
Edited by XxDAMADHATT3RxX: 1/14/2016 5:05:03 PMLooking for help with skolas would be nice if anyone would help Gt same
Edited by Shire Wo1f: 1/14/2016 9:49:25 AM319 hunter looking to kill skolas Msg in game gt same
307 titan looking to do prison of elders
305 hunter looking for skolas. My gta Arceus ii
304 hunter looking to do prison of elders Gt is the same
317 hunter, want to do all of the PoE things to get kings wind shader! Get same as name invite or add me!
Xbox1 titan 304 GT same send invite
Looking for anybody to help me with Skolas' Revenge!
Need 2 ppl for p.o.e im do all of them add me sjkxh3ll b0i22
Need 1-3 for VoG Message me Skaper5
Need 2 for p.o.e im do all of them add me sjkxh3ll b0i22
Looking to do all of prison of elders. Msg for inv
Never beat skolas figure I'd try 310 titan no mic gt Deebo90485
I'll help any one with skolas
I've never gotten around to killing Skolas.... Would like to do that gt is WiildSnatch
Add me for any Poe runs , Buckar00banzai4
Need one. No questions asked. GT: B Carmine 117
need one or two for skolas gt is name
Need one for 35 prison of elders. Msg TheEpicPlataPUS
Need 2 for skolas. 309 titan. Gt same. Message for invite.