Hey guardians :)
Feeling nostalgic ?
You're looking for a team to play Skolas' Revenge ?
You're in the right place !
Need 2 for a 35 skolas message me for invite
If anyone need 1 for skolas invite gt above
Need two (skolas) 319 warlock Msg Scoringplague15 for invite
Need 2 for 35 PoE. 310 hunter. Shoot me a message or leave GT.
306 hunter lf 2 for skolas, gt is KellOfJudgement msg for inv
Need 1 for POE level 35. No mic today. Message Fearners90
Wanna do PoE 32, 34, and/or 35? I do, so send a message and I'll invite, no mics required. Xbox one gt: same as above
257 Hunter LFG for need 2 for POE any. Message gt above
301 hunter need 2 for skolas. Casual, skolas is easy in Y2. I have done it before but I did not have a key so i still want the ship. GT same
Looking for a team to kill skolas for fun gt same invite
Need 1 at skolas xbone
Need 2 for PoE 35, or invite me, Gt: ^
Looking for one more for skolas hard At skolas Message Notdistime
Lfg skolas Gt same as above
Inv me for lvl 35 poe gt same as above^
Looking for 1 to kill skolas gt same as above
Lfg or need 2 for prison of elders Iam 319 light lvl warlock send inv or w me on xbox gt werrof
Need 1 for skolas msg for inv
Looking to do LEVEL 34 PoE. Message me for invite.
Anyone up for skolas 313 hunter done it before in year 1
Need 1 for skolas. Preferably someone that has done it before. Message jordan1515 for invite.
Need two for skolas
Need 2 for Skolas same Gt as above
Need 1 more at skolas
Starting poe 35 group message me for invite
Need 2 for oryx light must be 316+ GT ExBxGFLAWLESS