Muted for ass-hattery and douche-baggery
You can't go around replying to several people, calling them 'kid' in a demeaning way while trying to puff your chest.
You hardly raid. Only 11 KF completions and hardly any Crota or VOGs done. You're the scrubbiest scrub in all of scrubdom.
Offer to help others instead of trying to peacock and show off a 2 inch D worth of accomplishments...
Lmao just read this comment again. I got the vex and full set of gear and every weapon after less than 8 runs. I got the necrochasm on my 4th hard completion and a full set of gear by the end of my third run. I killed skolas and got the solar hand cannon and void scout and every fallen exotic in less than 6 runs. I have full kings fall armour 320 weapons in every slot, all challenge modes finished and both raid shaders, in 11 runs. I don't run it on multiple characters because I'm not a basement virgin like u lmao stay madddddd
Apparently my comment got under your skin... Did I hurt your feelings? You had to read my comment and reply twice? Listen if what I wrote holds any truth then go out and help people like I said to. Don't sit here and feign superiority. You'll find a great level of satisfaction in seeing others beat the raid for the first time. Be a do gooder not a dick licker
Tldr kid lmao got u to reply hahahhaa
Yeah, are we friends now? Want to skip down the sidewalk together?
Lol get mad kid
Lol dont you love kids like these. Beat the least hardest raid thinks hes god
"Least hardest"
Hm atheon at lvl 28 nuff said