It's fth, cethuthose ith gooth foth youth. Truth meth.
*mouth begins to leak red, dripping blood*
Ok, that looks like blood, is it blood? Blood I'd not good, as I remember
No ith my sithiva. *begins to sway woozily*
Oh, well in that case it's all ok, and have you been drinking recently? *beeps and boops*
*faints for a few seconds, then revives and struggles to speak, mouth stained red* Y... Yth.
Ahh, you should probably settle down for a bit, you don't seem well... *floats around you*
*collapses on top of shank* *mumbles, throwing spittle and specks of blood across the shanks visual sensor* I'm finth...
*crashes onto the floor, not being able to hold the weight* alright, tell me if you need anything, and can you get off?
*slowly sinks into death, unmoving. A faint pulse still remains*
*doesn't seem to notice that Echo is dying, and gets out from under him* Alright, I'm going to scout Earth again, Have a Merry Christmas!
*doesnt respond*
*looks over at Echo and is weirded out by him not responding* Umm, Echo? You sure you're alright? If you not just tell me and I'll get medical help...
*doesnt respond* *bug lands on nose*
Umm.... *thinks that I'm going to die for killing Echo* Where is his ghost? *beeps again*
*ghost appears* Hey.... I like gummy bears. *slurs speech with a brown liquid splattered over his shell*
*looks at the ghost with confusion* Can you revive him?
Revive? Nahhhh...
Oh, ok. So, what is that liquid? *floats up towards the ghost, scanning it*
*shank doesn't know what most common objects look like* My scans are reporting alcohol, what happened?
So... There was this gurrrlll... And like... *blabbers on, speech just about incomprehensible*
*doesn't understand how ghost can drink* So, who was this girl?
She was like... So hot. You know. She had a face. I liked her face. And she had hair. I like hair. *collapses, passed out in Echo's jet black hair*
*looks at the two and sighs* Well that's very weird... Umm, so how do I help them? *beeps and boops*
*silence. Make it up, they're passed out.*
*shank likes to talk the shankself* *floats up towards the bodies and pulls an air horn out* They might be asleep... This should wake them up, maybe... *Blows airhorn right next to Echos ear