*Uses space magic to hang a mistletoe in the air* Got to et in the festive spirit. In fact, I got you all presents! The wrappings made out of thrall skin!
*Steps in mistletoe accidentally* *looks up* "-blam!-."
*Makes sure I'm not under the mistletoe* Phew...
*flees like someone lit a fire under my ass*
Edited by Aces: 12/20/2015 3:16:17 AMHmmm... I wonder what it's like under one of those... *Steps under it and looks up at it* I don't get it.
LETS LOOK AT WEIRD METAPHORICAL INTERPRETATIONS! YAY! Mistletoe is actually a parasitic plant, so as a weird interpretation, a kiss under a mistletoe is like a leech sucking on it's host... Wut.
I know, it is pretty weird.
I heard presents?
I heard presents?
*walks through door and realizes that mistle toe is floating and goes in a wide circle around it* huh wonder what festivities are going on here. [spoiler]still a cat[/spoiler]
Yeah, I mainly placed that there for Aer and Storm. Wonder how long it will take for them to walk under it.
Edited by TabeticTerror1: 12/19/2015 4:53:03 AMProbably soon *pushes aer and storm underneath the mistletoe* my work here is done
*gives you present*
YAY! *gives a present to shank*
*opens present again*
Its a wire rifle upgrade module! *opens up the present shank game me*
It's a y2 pre nerf gally and a mouse toy that has its own mind and rarely runs out of battery! I didn't really know what to get you though, as we just met. *installs the new present that shank just got*
Edited by TabeticTerror1: 12/19/2015 4:47:53 AM*play's with mouse toy* Sweet! Thanks shank!
Is my pressie' there??
Yes, but yours it still getting wrapped.
Is it the new Fallout 4?
Thats a yes
Edited by A Normal Shank: 12/19/2015 12:41:04 AMCan ilI have mine now... I'll put up a tree
*Hands you a gift* You can open it now, or wait!
Wait for what