originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]You land in a clearing, surrounded by woods. There is a post in front of you, reading 'New'.[/b]
*I look at the post*
[b]The post seems to grow impatient.[/b]
*I inspect it*
[b]It appears that the word 'New' is on a touchscreen.[/b]
*I tap on it*
[b]You are teleported into a room with another touchpad, showing 1,2, and 3. You are now naked.[/b]
*I look around frantically, realizing I'm naked* GAHWHATTHE-blam!-! *I approach the touch pads*
[b]The touchpads flicker.[/b]
Hmm... *I interact with the one labeled "2"*
[b]You are immediately equipped with light armor and weaponry, including a bow, 3 arrows, light leather armor, and a short sword.[/b]
Hmm... *Readies sword* I suspect this is the part where I'll have to fight..
[b]The 2 and 3 button remain available, but the 2 has become 'Start'.[/b]
Let's begin... *I hit the start button
[b]You are back in the clearing. A path has cleared to the North, towards a cave.[/b]
*I head toward the cave, following the path*
[b]Sone spikes shoot up in a pile of leaves, skewering your body, and killing you instantly. You are thrown out of the demonic portal unharmed, however.[/b] *I stand over you* Maybe check your surroundings a bit more.
Edited by DigitalNinja: 12/19/2015 4:35:50 AM[spoiler]Double-posted. My internet has gone to shit lately..[/spoiler]