So you all know about the forums being infested with spoilers right now. But bungie is doing their jobs. Report them and the post will be taken down and I have just witnessed a ban. A username that kept posting spoilers I kept an eye on. I just went back to see if they posted anymore and they are no banned. Good job bungie. Now. Get the rest of them.
Edit* minor spelling.
Edit* please be careful the bottom of this thread is safe but the top is risky. I am moderating this thread carefully trying to make sure spoilers are dealt with in a timely manner by reporting them.
Edit* please thank the nearest ninja because they too have had Star Wars spoiled for them by having to take down such annoying and ignorant posts. We apologize in advance for our local retards ninjas they will be back in their cages soon.
Edit* They are getting smarter. They might actually send the spoiler through a private message. Careful out there.
Edit* HalaHugo has infested this thread. I can no longer keep this thread safe. For those unspoiled the comment section is dangerous. Stay safe. I will be self bumping for those to see the body paragraph.
Edit* It's safe now guardians! I would like to personally thank the ninjas for swift justice. You may read all comments below without trouble. Be free. And live happy.
Edit* So old movie spoilers are being posted down below. Mostly Harry potter. I don't see a big issue with that if you guys do then just comment and I will report if I absolutely need to. But for now I believe they are fine.
It's the Russians