Crota's End is easily soloed, mostly because Bungie got lazy with the design...
They didn't get lazy, they just didn't think certain things could be exploited the way the were.
Really? How do you do the bridge? Cheat it?
Jump that shit. Every character can jump and sword across. 3 manned crota flawless
Step on and off middle before screams ignite totems which raises bridge slowly, then kill sword bearer and profit.
Titan- climb tower. Jump outwards. Fist of havoc to the other side. Warlock and hunter- stand on a pillar on the right side with a sword. Jump uppppp. And swipe across to a rock outclimbing on the wall. Jump swipe your way to safety. ta daaaa. Though they did make it slightly harder(or tried to) with a thirty second timer after ogres spawn. As well as the gatekeeper unable to kill himself.
I soloed it the other day and gatekeeper really doesn't walk off the edge any more lol
If he does. He'll respawn in seconds. Scared the living crap out of me first time.
Me too I was like whoa what you doing here Mr swordbearer lol
I watched him die. And then teased him to his death several more times. He just loved me too much to leave..
Lol same made that bit slightly harder to shoot the ogres though lol
You can actually build the bridge with one person.step on and off the middle plate.
Just swing across with the sword. Easy peasy.