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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by x7L7x: 12/19/2015 9:44:49 AM

Do you like the Direction Destiny is heading in?







*DISCLAIMER* -Long post *RULES* -Be polite -No negativity -Please try to comment on why you picked Yes, No, or 50/50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *IF YOU DECIDE TO COMMENT PLEASE UP VOTE THIS THREAD SO WE HAVE A BETTER CHANCE AT GETTING BUNGIES ATTENTION ON THIS FEEDBACK ON HOW PLAYERS FEEL* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I want us to have a serious mature conversation. For once let's talk about where this game is going without starting a flame war, trolling, or bashing the game just because you/we feel like it's unfair. I would like you guys to try your best to judge Destiny's strong points and it's weak points. That being said I want us to TRY to be as UNBIASED as possible when giving our opinions. I know that'll be hard for certain topics and Veterans who've been playing since beta/day one but just try. Last but not least please up vote this thread so we can get some true feedback to Bungie. I feel the reason we get aggrivated at this game is because we want it to succeed so bad but every time we take a step forward we seem to also take a step back. I've been playing Destiny since beta like many others so I'd like to share my opinions and experiences with you guys as well as what we can do to make it better. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆REPLAYABILITY/ENDGAME/FIRETEAMS Overall if you play this game solo I feel like it's a lot emptier. It's much better with friends. Destiny is so much fun in the beginning when everything is shiny and new but when you finish everything the story missions have to offer (in 26-30 hours) it becomes bland quickly. [spoiler]Even worse is if a new player starts with TTK they can earn an item called Spark of Light early on. If they use it,(You earn it by beating first quest on the moon then talking to the Speaker after.) it will insta-level them to level 25, grant them access to the taken king questline instantly, and give them equipment far more superior than any of the rewards you'd recive playing the vanilla missions. It makes the whole experience feel less rewarding.[/spoiler] With only few ways to level up your favorite equipment AND still be the max/neccasary light level for activities, it's easy to say our current way of leveling up our gear is excruciatingly time consuming. It doesn't help that with this newest dlc some Strikes and Raids were left behind without any incentive for completing them other than nostalgia and certain quest line steps. Our endgame right now feels the same as it did in the very beginning all because we didn't bring old content forward with us. I'm okay with year one weapons staying in year one, but I would like to see year two rewards added to the loot table in the year one Raids and Strikes! It would give an incentive to go back and replay them. I also feel like we need a better way to recruit and communicate with other guardians in game. Matchmaking and voice chat alleviates some of the stress but voice chat and matchmaking aren't always available depending on what activity you play. That being said matchmaking should be optional for each game mode. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆PVP/PVE WEAPON BALANCE Keep in mind these are just my opinions. As far as Weapon balance, I don't understand the first thing about fine tuning the numbers for competitive play. I do however know when a new meta comes into play and I do know when some weapon types have clear advantages over others. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *PVP* Some ideas I had for balancing PvP was that we could try swapping some Primary and Special weapon types. Lets try putting Shotguns and Snipers in our Primary slots and put Hand Cannons in our Special slots. Or have less special ammo on maps. But then it hit me. I personally think the biggest problem with Weapon Balancing in our PvP community is us. We all have a certain way we like to play/think how the game should be played and it destroys our weapon balance. When Auto rifles were on top, people who didn't like them or know how to use them thought they were stronger than their weapons type of choice. They felt like it was unfair to be forced to use a weapon type that was uncomfortable to use for them, just to stay competive. Then the same thing happened with fusion rifles. The range was so much it left Snipers, Scouts, and Shotguns in a bad place. So Fusions and ARs were nerfed. Doing so left Hand Cannon users unchecked. So in the next update they gave a slight AR buff, a noticeable Pulse buff, and a hard HC nerf. With Pulses running rampant now, Scouts had a hard time killing at the ranges they were supposed to be effective at. This was because HC's were supposed to be keeping Pulse's in check at Mid range. Admittedly HC's were too effective, as they were able to outsnipe Snipers so the nerf was needed. With Pulses being the most versatile, accurate, and having the least amount of damage drop off for a Primary at the time, Snipers were having trouble keeping PR's in check due to them having a faster rate of fire, decent impact, and range. A bunch of Sniper users got tired of this happening and sought a different way to combat PR's. Enter the Shotgun Era. So the only thing left to keep Pulses in check were a handful of high rate of fire Snipers, some Scouts, and a technique using versatile movement and a one shot kill. Otherwise known as Blink Shotgunning. But now nothing could keep the Shotguns in check because the one gun that could at Mid/Close range (Fusions) was nerfed in the ground and the gun that kept them far away (Snipers) were being hassled by PR's or they were the same people who switched to shotguns to combat PR's! But shotguns had too much range. So we nerfed Blink. Then we nerfed Shotguns. Then we took away a perk from Shotguns. Then we nerfed Shotgun range some more. Now we are here current day where everyone is packing a sniper. And it seems that the only real thing keeping snipers in check now are other snipers. Do you see the pattern that's happening? My point is we need to start from scratch and try again without letting our biased opinions towards our favorite and most hated weapon types get in the way and giving honest feed back based on balance and nor what's more comfortable for us to use. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *PVE* As far as PvE goes I never really noticed weapons being to OP (Besides Ghorn) or excessively weak (Besides Necrochasm at the time) but that's just me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆SUBCLASS BALANCING I honestly would like to see what happened to the Titan happen to all the subclasses. I feel like they should all be rebalanced and fined tuned since our new subs disturbed that balance. Just my opinion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆EVENTS/DLC/MICRO TRANSACTIONS I love the events we have been having in the tower. Hell we were begging for some PvE events. From what I understand they are able to fund these events due to recently introducing micro transactions. And as much as I love the events I don't want them to replace dlc. I don't mind the micro's. Just so long as it stays cosmetic and doesn't become a "20 strange coins for 1000 silver!/320 armor and exotics for 2800 silver!" pay to win. I do feel like it's messed up that you use Rng for your cosmetics though. Getting people to blow $50 trying to get a blue skull? Or taking away the old emotes and making it a mystery grab bag that gives people paying money a "High chance of getting an emote they don't already have?" That means there is a small chance you could pay for something you already owned! That's a little messed up I feel. It's borderline gambling and can be unhealthy for some players. If they spend money you should guarantee they'll get a special mask or guarantee an emote they don't already have. Once again. My opinion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆COMMUNICATION I get it Bungie always says they're listening and for the most part they do, but I'd like them to start talking more also. Sometimes I feel like they really are listening. A lot of things we asked for have happened (sparrow racing) but when it comes to things where the whole community is in a unanimous vote on something they want, like bringing back old raids and strikes, it just seems like our voices fall on deaf ears. Why does it seem that way? Because ultimately it's their game and they can do what they want but they also wanna keep us playing and happy. So we do have some say in what goes on because they wanna keep their players. A good example is when almost all of us didn't want Atheon to randomly teleport us. Deej himself told us he tried to do something about it, and he made sure we were heard, but the dev team was going to do it anyway. As sad as that news was it was the only time I can recall that we were given the honest truth about something instead of getting some roundabout answer. So that day we learned Bungie will ultimately do what they want with Destiny (to an extent) but at least we got an honest response from Deej. If he starts doing that again, I feel like it's a step in the right direction. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TL;DR: Do you like the direction destiny is going in and how can we make it better?Share your opinions and answer the poll so we can get Bungie honest feedback to help better the game. Discuss.

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  • Flat out no. The new levelling system brought out in TTk made things alot less fun. PvP whiners have ruined just about any weapon that was truly fun. Now Bungie changes whatever weapons and gear you worked hard to level up on a whim (like removing and exchanging perks, or flat out ruining the weapons ability to do damage). They have to this day refused to even try and fix the big problem in PvP, extremely bad net code combined with the ease of cheating. At first TTK seemed to have added more content, but then it was quickly realized how much got left behind you ended up with alot less to do. It is sad, and upsetting that a game with so much potential was mishandled to the point of ruining it. Games are supposed to be fun, and their course is to remove any and all fun from the game...

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    • Edited by Toketotem: 12/19/2015 7:44:59 PM
      I did until Evervese and SRL, now I'm salty AF. I was a grimoire guy, loved me some grimoire, I even went flawless in HOW just for the grimoire (wasn't fun) and I pretty much hate ToO. Then they added grimoire for the record book for SRL, which means if you ever want to cap your grimoire now it will cost you real money. I haven't been able to get myself to log in for over a month now, I think i'm still in denial because I still hit up the forums daily. I get genuinely sick to my stomach when I think about where it's going, I loved this game, loved it man. So big fat no from me.

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      8 Replies
      • Heres my take on whats going on in destiny now, pretty shitty really. DLC now will now be a yearly event instead of on a three month cycle. So this basically tells u they need more time to create this new content, as they have run out of content from the base game to cut out and sell to use in 3 month installments. Which leads one to asume that all the previous dlc's were in fact already done and in the origanal game but then cut out and sold to us as separate installments. So to make up for having no more content to exploit for strictly monetary gain they have implemented microtransactions. This helps them with a steady cash flow thus far was only made by dlc purcheses. There will never be free dlc. These microtransactions are for just revenue and revenue alone for bungie and activision. They will give u lack luster events with really no substance as content untill the release of new content in fall 2016. These events are just mediocre events to buy them through because they have no content to release because there is no more parts to cut out of the base game. I believe that micro transactions in destiny will never really overly be pay to win but I feel people are looking at what destiny is using microtransactions for on the wrong manner. They are using them as a way to keep revenue up as there is no content to put out. This is how u explain emotes and other random garbage being up to 5 dollars a pop and the 35 dollar price tag for ramping up ur character to lvl 25. There doing whatever they can to keep up the revenue because there IS NO NEW CONTENT!!!. Don't think of this as a consumer/gamer, think of these things I said as a buisness owner and u will see my point and there tactics quite clearly

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      • God no. shit like the video above is still happening two years on and now with the whole pay to not play system coming in.

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      • Edited by MistaCloudStrife: 12/20/2015 1:46:35 PM
        Bungie likes to brag that there's some sort of connection between the players and developers. That players can somehow help shape this game. In truth, Halo did this a million times better. Players helped create Halo. Eventually, some of the most popular player-made playlists became Halo standard. Maps made by players were added into rotation and players involvement was at an all time high in any video game. Period. Halo was a HUGE community focused game, and there wasn't even as much potential as Destiny has right now. In Destiny, we beg for scraps and HOPE the developers deliver. Instead of the community working together to make the game more fun and interesting like in Halo, we can't. All the energy that we could spend making this game better is thrown out the window because Bungie carries all of the power and we're left bickering about what Bungie should do/has done. I don't know about you, but I think having something to actually contribute to this community is the only way for this place to grow. When the only thing we can contribute is opinions with no real way to change anything ourselves, I don't think the community (and the game's social aspects) can get any better. So no, as a game that was marketed as a social, living and growing experience, I don't think it's headed in a very positive direction. Quite the opposite really. But that's not to say I haven't had fun. Playing with friends DOES make this game fun, but I could play just about ANY game that allows for 3-6 players and still have the same amount of fun. But yeah, until they learn... let's keep begging for scraps. Anyone else need more vault space? Let's beg Bungie again.

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        2 Replies
        • where its heading? "no major dlc in the future"

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        • Doesn't matter. None of this will matter when Destiny 2 drops.

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        • Year one was best

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        • Edited by ADemonTeddyBear: 12/20/2015 10:17:09 PM
          I'd like it better if I could get that PS Iron Banner helmet for my Warlock, instead of getting stuck with the reskinned New Monarchy helmat that got stepped on.

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        • Bump can't read now

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          1 Reply
          • I like the direction the game is going in. The community, on the other hand...

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          • Make Destiny great again!

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          • [quote]*DISCLAIMER* -Long post *RULES* -Be polite -No negativity -Please try to comment on why you picked Yes, No, or 50/50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *IF YOU DECIDE TO COMMENT PLEASE UP VOTE THIS THREAD SO WE HAVE A BETTER CHANCE AT GETTING BUNGIES ATTENTION ON THIS FEEDBACK ON HOW PLAYERS FEEL* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I want us to have a serious mature conversation. For once let's talk about where this game is going without starting a flame war, trolling, or bashing the game just because you/we feel like it's unfair. I would like you guys to try your best to judge Destiny's strong points and it's weak points. That being said I want us to TRY to be as UNBIASED as possible when giving our opinions. I know that'll be hard for certain topics and Veterans who've been playing since beta/day one but just try. Last but not least please up vote this thread so we can get some true feedback to Bungie. I feel the reason we get aggrivated at this game is because we want it to succeed so bad but every time we take a step forward we seem to also take a step back. I've been playing Destiny since beta like many others so I'd like to share my opinions and experiences with you guys as well as what we can do to make it better. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆REPLAYABILITY/ENDGAME/FIRETEAMS Overall if you play this game solo I feel like it's a lot emptier. It's much better with friends. Destiny is so much fun in the beginning when everything is shiny and new but when you finish everything the story missions have to offer (in 26-30 hours) it becomes bland quickly. [spoiler]Even worse is if a new player starts with TTK they can earn an item called Spark of Light early on. If they use it,(You earn it by beating first quest on the moon then talking to the Speaker after.) it will insta-level them to level 25, grant them access to the taken king questline instantly, and give them equipment far more superior than any of the rewards you'd recive playing the vanilla missions. It makes the whole experience feel less rewarding.[/spoiler] With only few ways to level up your favorite equipment AND still be the max/neccasary light level for activities, it's easy to say our current way of leveling up our gear is excruciatingly time consuming. It doesn't help that with this newest dlc some Strikes and Raids were left behind without any incentive for completing them other than nostalgia and certain quest line steps. Our endgame right now feels the same as it did in the very beginning all because we didn't bring old content forward with us. I'm okay with year one weapons staying in year one, but I would like to see year two rewards added to the loot table in the year one Raids and Strikes! It would give an incentive to go back and replay them. I also feel like we need a better way to recruit and communicate with other guardians in game. Matchmaking and voice chat alleviates some of the stress but voice chat and matchmaking aren't always available depending on what activity you play. That being said matchmaking should be optional for each game mode. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆PVP/PVE WEAPON BALANCE Keep in mind these are just my opinions. As far as Weapon balance, I don't understand the first thing about fine tuning the numbers for competitive play. I do however know when a new meta comes into play and I do know when some weapon types have clear advantages over others. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *PVP* Some ideas I had for balancing PvP was that we could try swapping some Primary and Special weapon types. Lets try putting Shotguns and Snipers in our Primary slots and put Hand Cannons in our Special slots. Or have less special ammo on maps. But then it hit me. I personally think the biggest problem with Weapon Balancing in our PvP community is us. We all have a certain way we like to play/think how the game should be played and it destroys our weapon balance. When Auto rifles were on top, people who didn't like them or know how to use them thought they were stronger than their weapons type of choice. They felt like it was unfair to be forced to use a weapon type that was uncomfortable to use for them, just to stay competive. Then the same thing happened with fusion rifles. The range was so much it left Snipers, Scouts, and Shotguns in a bad place. So Fusions and ARs were nerfed. Doing so left Hand Cannon users unchecked. So in the next update they gave a slight AR buff, a noticeable Pulse buff, and a hard HC nerf. With Pulses running rampant now, Scouts had a hard time killing at the ranges they were supposed to be effective at. This was because HC's were supposed to be keeping Pulse's in check at Mid range. Admittedly HC's were too effective, as they were able to outsnipe Snipers so the nerf was needed. With Pulses being the most versatile, accurate, and having the least amount of damage drop off for a Primary at the time, Snipers were having trouble keeping PR's in check due to them having a faster rate of fire, decent impact, and range. A bunch of Sniper users got tired of this happening and sought a different way to combat PR's. Enter the Shotgun Era. So the only thing left to keep Pulses in check were a handful of high rate of fire Snipers, some Scouts, and a technique using versatile movement and a one shot kill. Otherwise known as Blink Shotgunning. But now nothing could keep the Shotguns in check because the one gun that could at Mid/Close range (Fusions) was nerfed in the ground and the gun that kept them far away (Snipers) were being hassled by PR's or they were the same people who switched to shotguns to combat PR's! But shotguns had too much range. So we nerfed Blink. Then we nerfed Shotguns. Then we took away a perk from Shotguns. Then we nerfed Shotgun range some more. Now we are here current day where everyone is packing a sniper. And it seems that the only real thing keeping snipers in check now are other snipers. Do you see the pattern that's happening? My point is we need to start from scratch and try again without letting our biased opinions towards our favorite and most hated weapon types get in the way and giving honest feed back based on balance and nor what's more comfortable for us to use. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *PVE* As far as PvE goes I never really noticed weapons being to OP (Besides Ghorn) or excessively weak (Besides Necrochasm at the time) but that's just me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆SUBCLASS BALANCING I honestly would like to see what happened to the Titan happen to all the subclasses. I feel like they should all be rebalanced and fined tuned since our new subs disturbed that balance. Just my opinion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆EVENTS/DLC/MICRO TRANSACTIONS I love the events we have been having in the tower. Hell we were begging for some PvE events. From what I understand they are able to fund these events due to recently introducing micro transactions. And as much as I love the events I don't want them to replace dlc. I don't mind the micro's. Just so long as it stays cosmetic and doesn't become a "20 strange coins for 1000 silver!/320 armor and exotics for 2800 silver!" pay to win. I do feel like it's messed up that you use Rng for your cosmetics though. Getting people to blow $50 trying to get a blue skull? Or taking away the old emotes and making it a mystery grab bag that gives people paying money a "High chance of getting an emote they don't already have?" That means there is a small chance you could pay for something you already owned! That's a little messed up I feel. It's borderline gambling and can be unhealthy for some players. If they spend money you should guarantee they'll get a special mask or guarantee an emote they don't already have. Once again. My opinion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☆COMMUNICATION I get it Bungie always says they're listening and for the most part they do, but I'd like them to start talking more also. Sometimes I feel like they really are listening. A lot of things we asked for have happened (sparrow racing) but when it comes to things where the whole community is in a unanimous vote on something they want, like bringing back old raids and strikes, it just seems like our voices fall on deaf ears. Why does it seem that way? Because ultimately it's their game and they can do what they want but they also wanna keep us playing and happy. So we do have some say in what goes on because they wanna keep their players. A good example is when almost all of us didn't want Atheon to randomly teleport us. Deej himself told us he tried to do something about it, and he made sure we were heard, but the dev team was going to do it anyway. As sad as that news was it was the only time I can recall that we were given the honest truth about something instead of getting some roundabout answer. So that day we learned Bungie will ultimately do what they want with Destiny (to an extent) but at least we got an honest response from Deej. If he starts doing that again, I feel like it's a step in the right direction. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TL;DR: Do you like the direction destiny is going in and how can we make it better?Share your opinions and answer the poll so we can get Bungie honest feedback to help better the game. Discuss.[/quote] really?

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          • The direction they seem to be going is less is more which I do not approve of ,

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          • TLDR

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          • Maybe.

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          • Edited by vixrielz: 12/20/2015 9:06:38 PM
            [quote] I want us to have a serious mature conversation.[/quote] [b][i][u]It was at this moment, Op realised. He had -blam!-ed up[/u][/i][/b]

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          • I dont like the fact that they wont be making new DLCs in year 2. They replaced it with little events like srl

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            6 Replies
            • Ttk killed destiny for me.

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            • I'm not going to complain yet, because this game gave me a really strong community of friends and clanmates, and I've had a lot of fun. The second they put non-cosmetics into the microtransactions, the power of 1000 suns will cleave Bungie in twain. [spoiler]Gonna complain about one[/spoiler] DO. SELECTIVE. MATCHMAKING. Other games have done this beautifully. You choose a filter for your mode and can find games with your skill level/level of sweat. Raid matchmaking becomes so easy. You say "I want hard mode oryx fresh with 310+ with casual players" or "I want Trials with 305+ with competitive players". It takes out the need for LFG sites that are clunky and things like pay-for-flawless.

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            • Han Solo and Chewbacca have an intimate relationship

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              5 Replies
              • This game had potential, [b]had.[/b]

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              • I like the way that the story and gameplay went in TTK, more storytelling and more varied gameplay in missions, like lost to light, the only mission that you acatually [b]run[/b] from a horde of enemies out to tear you apart, or the one where you put beacons on the dreadnaught. But I don't like the way the company is going, micro transactions, held content, and the exaggerated advertising.

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                3 Replies
                • Destiny is hit or miss no in between. I love playing the game but its some things that really need work.

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                • Edited by THEUNDEAD565: 12/20/2015 5:10:17 AM
                  The events are cool. They seem like nice things to kill time and keep content somewhat fresh. I'm not a [i]huge[/i] fan of SRL, but that doesn't stop me from seeing it as a fun event for others. The way PvP is heading is trash. Scrap the forced skill based matchmaking crap and make that optional. At some point, there is no fun play in the crucible any more. Its all sweaty. Enough nerfing shit into the ground. Take a [b]long[/b] time to look I to what is balanced and imbalanced. Make sure you damn well understand the effects you will cause when going about changing things. The way PvE is heading is in the right direction. More cut scenes. More immersion (to an extent). More actual knowledge and character depth (maybe not [i]our[/i] character as much ad others but its a start). The microtransactions while understandable, I feel they may be heading down the proverbial slippery slope. Keep shit to cosmetic items to appease the die hard fans. Nothing should truely help you in-game if you buy it. That becomes pay to win. And pay to win is shit (woo hoo Runescape!).

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