-Long post
-Be polite
-No negativity
-Please try to comment on why you picked Yes, No, or 50/50
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I want us to have a serious mature conversation.
For once let's talk about where this game is going without starting a flame war, trolling, or bashing the game just because you/we feel like it's unfair.
I would like you guys to try your best to judge Destiny's strong points and it's weak points. That being said I want us to TRY to be as UNBIASED as possible when giving our opinions. I know that'll be hard for certain topics and Veterans who've been playing since beta/day one but just try.
Last but not least please up vote this thread so we can get some true feedback to Bungie. I feel the reason we get aggrivated at this game is because we want it to succeed so bad but every time we take a step forward we seem to also take a step back.
I've been playing Destiny since beta like many others so I'd like to share my opinions and experiences with you guys as well as what we can do to make it better.
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Overall if you play this game solo I feel like it's a lot emptier. It's much better with friends.
Destiny is so much fun in the beginning when everything is shiny and new but when you finish everything the story missions have to offer (in 26-30 hours) it becomes bland quickly.
[spoiler]Even worse is if a new player starts with TTK they can earn an item called Spark of Light early on. If they use it,(You earn it by beating first quest on the moon then talking to the Speaker after.) it will insta-level them to level 25, grant them access to the taken king questline instantly, and give them equipment far more superior than any of the rewards you'd recive playing the vanilla missions. It makes the whole experience feel less rewarding.[/spoiler]
With only few ways to level up your favorite equipment AND still be the max/neccasary light level for activities, it's easy to say our current way of leveling up our gear is excruciatingly time consuming.
It doesn't help that with this newest dlc some Strikes and Raids were left behind without any incentive for completing them other than nostalgia and certain quest line steps.
Our endgame right now feels the same as it did in the very beginning all because we didn't bring old content forward with us. I'm okay with year one weapons staying in year one, but I would like to see year two rewards added to the loot table in the year one Raids and Strikes! It would give an incentive to go back and replay them.
I also feel like we need a better way to recruit and communicate with other guardians in game. Matchmaking and voice chat alleviates some of the stress but voice chat and matchmaking aren't always available depending on what activity you play. That being said matchmaking should be optional for each game mode.
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Keep in mind these are just my opinions.
As far as Weapon balance, I don't understand the first thing about fine tuning the numbers for competitive play. I do however know when a new meta comes into play and I do know when some weapon types have clear advantages over others.
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Some ideas I had for balancing PvP was that we could try swapping some Primary and Special weapon types. Lets try putting Shotguns and Snipers in our Primary slots and put Hand Cannons in our Special slots.
Or have less special ammo on maps. But then it hit me.
I personally think the biggest problem with Weapon Balancing in our PvP community is us. We all have a certain way we like to play/think how the game should be played and it destroys our weapon balance.
When Auto rifles were on top, people who didn't like them or know how to use them thought they were stronger than their weapons type of choice. They felt like it was unfair to be forced to use a weapon type that was uncomfortable to use for them, just to stay competive.
Then the same thing happened with fusion rifles. The range was so much it left Snipers, Scouts, and Shotguns in a bad place. So Fusions and ARs were nerfed.
Doing so left Hand Cannon users unchecked. So in the next update they gave a slight AR buff, a noticeable Pulse buff, and a hard HC nerf. With Pulses running rampant now, Scouts had a hard time killing at the ranges they were supposed to be effective at. This was because HC's were supposed to be keeping Pulse's in check at Mid range.
Admittedly HC's were too effective, as they were able to outsnipe Snipers so the nerf was needed. With Pulses being the most versatile, accurate, and having the least amount of damage drop off for a Primary at the time, Snipers were having trouble keeping PR's in check due to them having a faster rate of fire, decent impact, and range.
A bunch of Sniper users got tired of this happening and sought a different way to combat PR's. Enter the Shotgun Era.
So the only thing left to keep Pulses in check were a handful of high rate of fire Snipers, some Scouts, and a technique using versatile movement and a one shot kill. Otherwise known as Blink Shotgunning.
But now nothing could keep the Shotguns in check because the one gun that could at Mid/Close range (Fusions) was nerfed in the ground and the gun that kept them far away (Snipers) were being hassled by PR's or they were the same people who switched to shotguns to combat PR's!
But shotguns had too much range.
So we nerfed Blink. Then we nerfed Shotguns. Then we took away a perk from Shotguns. Then we nerfed Shotgun range some more. Now we are here current day where everyone is packing a sniper. And it seems that the only real thing keeping snipers in check now are other snipers.
Do you see the pattern that's happening?
My point is we need to start from scratch and try again without letting our biased opinions towards our favorite and most hated weapon types get in the way and giving honest feed back based on balance and nor what's more comfortable for us to use.
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As far as PvE goes I never really noticed weapons being to OP (Besides Ghorn) or excessively weak (Besides Necrochasm at the time) but that's just me.
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I honestly would like to see what happened to the Titan happen to all the subclasses. I feel like they should all be rebalanced and fined tuned since our new subs disturbed that balance. Just my opinion.
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I love the events we have been having in the tower. Hell we were begging for some PvE events. From what I understand they are able to fund these events due to recently introducing micro transactions. And as much as I love the events I don't want them to replace dlc.
I don't mind the micro's. Just so long as it stays cosmetic and doesn't become a
"20 strange coins for 1000 silver!/320 armor and exotics for 2800 silver!" pay to win.
I do feel like it's messed up that you use Rng for your cosmetics though. Getting people to blow $50 trying to get a blue skull? Or taking away the old emotes and making it a mystery grab bag that gives people paying money a "High chance of getting an emote they don't already have?"
That means there is a small chance you could pay for something you already owned!
That's a little messed up I feel. It's borderline gambling and can be unhealthy for some players. If they spend money you should guarantee they'll get a special mask or guarantee an emote they don't already have. Once again. My opinion.
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I get it Bungie always says they're listening and for the most part they do, but I'd like them to start talking more also. Sometimes I feel like they really are listening.
A lot of things we asked for have happened (sparrow racing) but when it comes to things where the whole community is in a unanimous vote on something they want, like bringing back old raids and strikes, it just seems like our voices fall on deaf ears. Why does it seem that way?
Because ultimately it's their game and they can do what they want but they also wanna keep us playing and happy. So we do have some say in what goes on because they wanna keep their players.
A good example is when almost all of us didn't want Atheon to randomly teleport us. Deej himself told us he tried to do something about it, and he made sure we were heard, but the dev team was going to do it anyway. As sad as that news was it was the only time I can recall that we were given the honest truth about something instead of getting some roundabout answer.
So that day we learned Bungie will ultimately do what they want with Destiny (to an extent) but at least we got an honest response from Deej. If he starts doing that again, I feel like it's a step in the right direction.
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TL;DR: Do you like the direction destiny is going in and how can we make it better?Share your opinions and answer the poll so we can get Bungie honest feedback to help better the game. Discuss.
Edited by TT: 12/20/2015 3:43:18 AMI like where the game [i]itself[/i] is going, but not really the business model. Like, really. An EXP boost to Level 25 for 30 bucks? WTF Bungie?
The main thing I want from destiny is that for everyone to be unique. We're supposed to "personalize our own unique guardian" when everyone has raid/trials gear and the rest is usually ignored. Also I hate "metas" because everyone uses the same weapons, and that makes the game very bland
Micro transactions don't suggest a very bright future...
Just leave micro transactions behind. It'll ruin this game and future content if it keeps going on. No pay to win bullcrap.
If you took out all the now irrelevant content, TTK would look very sparse. 1 Raid, Strikes, a few missions, Trials, IB and "Event" content which in all MMO's is fun for a bit then always leads to hoarding and cash shop grabs (Where's an ATM I can throw at Luke Smith for my Oryx Arse Hat...?)
Haven't played since the huge weapon nerf of 2015. That's when I knew I no longer could trust the direction this game was heading. An abundance of micro transactions have only helped to strengthen my reasoning for not playing.
50/50, the only problem I have is with micro-transactions, rng should never deal with spending real money to get the emote you want, but I do love playing trials/raiding with my friends. I also wish there were private matches (rewards disabled) and most importantly [u]dedicated servers[/u]
You know what's really weird? Today, I just noticed that I really miss the loading screen music from year 1. The new shit just sounds gloomy and bad.
I really like how its getting more and more similar to WoW. They get new content out and ignore old content so the game each time has more and more lore.
I like the direction that Destiny is taking, my only concern would be with the micro transactions. I know that they aren't taking it very far with it now but the whole SRL and Level 25 packs are simply a gateway for it to get worse. I've had a few conversations with my friends about it and as far as we are concerned, we, and majority of the community, want you to keep them cosmetic only. Besides, I don't have money to buy those sick new emotes. ;(
NO The last straw was believing Bungie and what they promised with TTK. TTK may have deliver on some nice new content, but Bungie lied about fixing major problems like RNG and now they are moving to P2P/P2W and even letting RNG mess up what you get from what you buy. Destiny is dead to me.
I would love to sit down and formulate how I feel about this game, but I've done that several times and it is no longer worth my time. Bungie doesn't listen and they don't care. So my answer was NO, and my decision to buy Destiny 2 is 80% in favor of NO as well.
I really don't enjoy the concept of constantly keeping up with my characters just to play the game, anytime a DLC or certain event drops you almost have to jump onto that event just to be modern with all the other gamers. I miss how I could jump halo 4 (I actually enjoyed this game) and just play against other players competitively. I love destiny's PvP, but I also have a life(not saying anyone else doesn't), and when I don't put the time or grind into destiny I can no longer be apart of the PvP experience. Soon, (if not already there) I won't be able put the time into my character. My friends who work regularly, go to school, have committed relationships, just can't put the grind in.
Edited by SnakePayne86: 12/20/2015 1:17:00 AMNo negativity? That's half the universe though.
no. and destiny 2 is less and less likely to be purchased
They fixed a lot in TTK, but in my opinion they broke loot systems. It drops more often but it's randomized light level which is bad.
I put no. I'm keeping it short. It's difficult to grind and lose everything you work for or keep up grading same weapons like 3 times over and over. Even so these new weapons do not bring joy on discovery. A new player can become same level as I am simply by maintaining same gear. As I see it your next game will have same format to GRIND and you tell me how you want me to play the game I paid for (who does that). We enjoyed pushing Atheon off edge and watching Crotha jump down to swipe out hunter in short your game should be about fun not strife. I have no idea how to make Destiny better when at one time it was until you broke it. Remember the day one players were not your complainer we were to busy standing in front of a black hole grabbing exotic n legendary orbs and doing nightfalls to have a smoky head then go do weekly cause Zur was coming to bad those type day are history so I'm history also. Good luck fixing Destiny some of us would love to come home
Open world pvp would be the bomb
Unfortunately Bungievision seem to give zero craps about what their player base want from Destiny. You will either accept what they give you or leave. Feedback is futile when it is ignored.
Edited by gcw0068: 12/20/2015 12:53:20 AMIS THAT A TRICK QUESTION?
I'm 50/50. Right now, there is no way I can see myself playing this game, especially with no new significant content being released for a year. I hope I'm right in saying that this year will be the "hump" for bungie to get over, and once destiny 2 releases it'll be much better. I can't guarantee it, but I hope that's how it'll turn out.
I'm on the fence. A lot for me depends on the next DLC and how far they go with micro transactions. To date, I don't have any issues with micro transactions, I've even spent a little. But it seems they might be inching towards that red line. We'll see.
I don't like the direction it headed, but more than enough will to make Bungvision a healthy profit. Either way no biggie plentry of other games to play when I'm bored with destiny.
Wow can't possibly read all that. Longer than war and piece. Any way I gave them 50/50 which of course is the truth. They have the best game running. Then they are giving it all to ruin that. The new light system this round is such a grind fest it is a complete joke. Taking the grind to an eleven this round is a huge problem in the long run. now an up side. If you are a loaner you have not been left in the dust (spoken from a loaner) No excuse for not having gear they have given everyone a chance at good loot. It takes time and patience but it is there. I am a slow crawler through content so I am not burned out so there is another good thing. I completely love the crucible balance right now. The only way it would be enhanced is a simple move. Cut the special ammo by half yet again. This doesn't penalize any weapon like they have and will ever be doing it just assures that running the secondary as a primary will be a thing of the past. Problems solved. To be honest that is about it. Game is working they are finding every angle to suck money from players. They still have an easy fix right in front of them in the crucible they don't seem to take. Oh and last and honestly still a problem. Servers and lag. Quit talking about banning poor connections and such and go to dedicated servers like every other top end damn game this is kindergarten stuff here guys. We have lag and now green bar lag. etc. We are all living with it but it isn't something a game like this should be riding on.
the pve is easily the best i have ever seen. the creative team has always done a great job of creating sweet looking bad guys and bosses. i remember when the game was new to me and i was encountering phogoth, the nexus etc for the first time. then once i was able to do nightfalls and get into the vog, the game was awesome to me. then crota came out, and despite what everyone says, to this day i had more fun on the pve side doing to crota raid than any other raid. probably because i had 2-3 hunters for most of it and was a sworbearer hundreds of times. sometime during crota i started to get into pvp. i think it all started once i saw how easy it was to get kills with the found verdict and playing as a bladedancer. eventually i started to realize how unbelievably garbage it was to blink around and use shotguns, so i started really getting into just using my primary. then they started messing with primaries, WAY too much, and did nothing to very little to shotguns. then they buffed my primary slightly a few weeks ago, but it still doesn't do what it should for the skill involved in it. one thing that i have always thought is that they should make each primary weapon viable at the longest and shortest effective range of any other primary. then everyone can use the gun type they like to use, all the time. there should then just be slight differences in the ttk depending on skill involved in using that type of weapon. nothing major, just noticeable. not enough to break the game, but enough to reward a skilled hand. so autorifles would obviously be the slowest, followed by pulses, then scouts, then hand cannons. i honestly dont think most people would argue that this is the order of skill in weapons
Edited by Pilcrow: 12/20/2015 12:37:58 PMI voted 50/50.. Sense I play the game still, enjoy certain aspects of it and hate others. Things I enjoy, killing stuff. Things I don't enjoy. Gambling system, pay more then one should to try and support a company and their bad decision to make you're decision feel just as bad. Time gated weapons and armor. Make's no sense. Let me open engrams and feel rewarded for it until I have unlocked everything there is to unlock. Don't release 6 items then release 6 others months down the line while leaving behind a whole other class (warlocks) Level caps: Why should I be stuck at 40 when someone can come in, pay their way to 25 in less then 15 minutes and be level 40 by the end of the week and compete along side me. At one point in time. We earned our light level and when you seen someone 3-4 light levels higher then you. It gave a sense that is a player invested in the game, he is becoming "legend" (or a bigger loser how ever you see it). Now its an equal playing field. We can be the same light level. But let me reach level 90 and unlock a new quest, item, emote, color shader ect. Then when a new dlc comes out. Reset the level across the board, but keep the light level the same where you left off. This way, you can rank up to level 500 or whatever while unlocking items along the way and slowly leveling up your light level like we have been. That is one thing I hate about this game. Your purpose is to level up to light 40.. Once you do that, then everything is unlocked.. I say, let people unlock certain items at certain levels. Not just a base level of 40 and everything is handed to you in one go. This way, people will feel a sense of earning something more greatly. Stop making 2-3 weapons the strongest in the game stop making weapons and armor that are new but have such a low attack nobody can even use the stuff.. There is some kick ass gear in year two. But its all blue rendering it useless. Let blues drop at 300-310 so we can use it. I could go on but I'll leave it here. Nobody reads this shit anyways..